
Capcom Has Major Titles Coming This Year and Fans Have a Lot of Suggestions

There are few gaming companies with a stable of franchises as deep as Capcom. While the publisher […]

There are few gaming companies with a stable of franchises as deep as Capcom. While the publisher is best known for Resident Evil, Street Fighter, and Mega Man, the reality is that the publisher has quite a bit more to offer. Earlier today, Capcom released its overview of strategies and plans for the next fiscal year. One of those plans is the release of “multiple major titles.” Naturally, that wording has been of particular interest to fans, and has generated a lot of talk about what they would like to see next from the gaming giant. With so many classic franchises under their umbrella, it seems that there’s no shortage for Capcom to select from!

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What Capcom games would you like to see this year? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!

Keep reading to find out what fans games fans want to see from Capcom this year!

This is probably one of the most likely outcomes.

Ace Attorney will one day rise like a, um, you know.

Mega Man Legends would be huge!

Dragon’s Dogma is a solid choice.

Sigh… we can dream, can’t we?

Viewtiful Joe would be great to see again.

And some fans want to see a return for Frank West.

Marvel vs. Capcom Collection would sell a lot of copies!