
Chivalry 2 Update Adds New Mode for Limited Time


A new Chivalry 2 update is live on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X alongside official patch notes that reveal and detail everything Torn Banner Studios has done to the game. With Patch 2.1.2, the developer hasn’t done a ton to the game, which is why it’s billed as a minor patch. That said, while there’s not much of note, there is the addition of a 1v1 Arena Mode, which will only be available until September 13.

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At the moment of publishing, it’s unclear whether or not the update requires a download. If it does, it’s safe to assume the download size is minor, because, as noted, the patch is literally referred to as a “minor patch.”

Below, you can check out the update’s official and complete patch notes, courtesy of the game’s official website:


  • Adjusted the combo “delay” animation after being blocked to now properly show the delay from the blocking player’s perspective


  • Fixed an issue where players can queue for a game before all region pings have been retrieved, causing the player to be put into a high ping server
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to queue again after canceling the initial queue


  • Arena – Fixed backfill issue with arena mode by allowing them to backfill more quickly
  • Playlist – Removed “New Maps” Playlist and 40p Mixed Modes


  • Customization is now displaying as intended (previously made players appear to have default customization


  • Fixed an issue players could purchase customization items from outside of the Customizations menu


  • Backfill bots now drop to 0 once thirty players are connected to a server (was previously 12 players)
  • Other issues we are still tracking:
  • Stab/overhead hit detection issues
  • Console players experiencing increased crashes on PlayStation 4 when playing Galencourt
  • Parties being sent back to the main menu unintentionally at the end of a match on PC and Xbox
  • PC Server Browser being too hidden under the MORE menu
  • Sir/Lady titles are currently not unlockable
  • Some customization items can’t be purchased (such as bowl cut) on consoles
  • Additional map balancing and further exploit fixes

Chivalry 2 is available via the PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S. For more coverage on the game and all things gaming, click here.