Critical Role Gets Cute Plushes

Critical Role is getting a line of cute new plushes. This week, WizKids and KidRobot announced a new line of Critical Role Phunny plushes featuring the adventurers of Bell's Hells. The first wave of plushes include Fresh Cut Grass, Ashton, and Fearne. Each plush will retail for $16.99. No specific release date was announced, but pre-order pages for the plushes indicate a Q3 2023. You can check out the adorable plushes down below: 

While Critical Role has released a limited line of plushes before, this marks the first time that WizKids has released a line of Critical Role plushes. The company also has a growing line of Critical Role miniatures, including both miniatures based on the various Critical Role adventurers and various NPCs and monsters featured on the show. WizKids also has a popular line of Phunny Plushes based on various Dungeons & Dragons monsters, including the displacer beast and owlbear, two monsters that will also appear in the Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves movie. 

The Bell's Hells are the third adventuring group featured in Critical Role, a popular show featuring voice actors playing Dungeons & Dragons. While the first two campaigns had only tenuous connections with each other, the third campaign picks up on many of the plot threads from the first two campaigns and continues them in some way. For instance, FCG is tied to the fallen city of Aeor, an ancient city with fantastic technology that was partially explored during Campaign 2. Meanwhile, Ashton has abilities tied to having distilled dunamis inside of their head, with dunamis and its "possibility-warping" attributes explored deeply in Campaign 2. 

You can check out the new Critical Role plushes and pre-order them on WizKids' website.