'Cyberpunk 2077' Won't Force Any Specific Playstyle On The Player

In the past, CD Projekt Red has talked about how Cyberpunk 2077 will allow players different [...]

Cyberpunk 2077 6
(Photo: CD Projekt Red)

In the past, CD Projekt Red has talked about how Cyberpunk 2077 will allow players different approaches to various missions and allow their created player to dabble in all types of different character classes for whatever mix-and-match combination they'd like.

And according to CD Projekt Red's Miles Tost, who is a level designer on the project, this type of freedom to approach the game in whatever way you want to extends throughout every facet. In other words, the Polish studio will not be forcing any specific playstyle on players.

"A big part of what lets players immerse themselves in our game is allowing them to play it the way they want to," said Tost while speaking to GamingBolt. "This means providing them with options to navigate locations, solve or even bypass problems, etc. We never force players to adopt any particular playstyle and we certainly won't do it in Cyberpunk 2077."

That said, while CD Projekt Red will leave it up to the play to construct their own playstyle, that doesn't mean it won't emphasis certain gameplay elements. For example, one of the pillars in the game is hacking. And within hacking there are even more sub-divisions, or classes you might say, such as Netrunner.

"Netrunning will definitely be an important part of the game, but I can't tell you much about it," confirmed CD Projekt Red's official Facebook account (via Reddit). "What I can say is that, gameplay-wise, you'll be able to hack systems to help you during missions, open doors, distract enemies etc. You'll also be able to gain knowledge that you will use to your advantage- locations of interesting places and so on."

However, from the sounds of it, if you don't want to engage with hacking, you won't have to, at least not very much. Hacking is described as one of three pillars of core gameplay, each which have their own shoot-offs. How you decide to mix-and-match across all three of these pillars, is entirely up to you.

Cyberpunk 2077 is in development for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and possibly next-gen systems. At the moment, a release date for the game has not been revealed.

For more news and coverage on the highly-anticipated game, click here.