The Dead by Daylight meta faces quite the upheaval if what players are facing right now on the test servers ends up making it through to the live game. This week, Behaviour Interactive put out an update for Dead by Daylight on the PTB which finally let players try out the rework for The Twins that’s been talked about for while now. While the changes for The Twins were officially billed as just an update for the Killer instead of a full-blown rework, the community views it more as a rework that’s made the Killer so strong that even experienced Twins players are questioning whether the changes should go through or not.
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The Twins, for context, currently work on live servers by allowing one half of the duo, Victor, to split off from his sister, Charlotte, in order to pursue and pounce on Survivors. Successful pounces can only be done on a healthy Survivor, and once Victor latches on, players regain control of Charlotte and can close the gap on the inhibited Survivor. While unique, that Power has never really allowed them to achieve any meaningful spot in the rankings of Killers since they were first released, but that might change if the new update goes through.
On Dead by Daylight‘s PTB right now, Victor can no longer pounce on healthy Survivors and can instead jump on those who are already in the dying state. When attached, he makes it so that the Survivors can’t return to an injured state. He can only stay attached for 20 seconds, but while he’s on, Charlotte gains a movement speed boost so that the can get back to him quicker. To top it all off, Victor can’t be kicked away anymore after successful attacks, though he can still be crushed to temporarily disable him.

Other changes were made, too, but the new version of Victor is what’s causing so much commotion on the PTB right now. Behaviour Interactive asked for players’ thoughts on changes overall in the PTB within a post on Twitter and received plenty of comments about The Twins.
“The Victor changes are cool but given that we can’t kick him after being injured it allows for easy ‘two tap’ downs,” one Dead by Daylight player said on Twitter. “He needs more of a cooldown when he successfully injures someone or we need to be able to kick him.”
Lynxi, a Dead by Daylight player best known for playing The Twins, compared the new version of the Killer to The Nurse, the longstanding queen of Dead by Daylight Killer meta. The Nurse is often considered to be one of, if not the most, difficult Killers in the game, but the assertion now is that The Twins are on par with The Nurse while being easier to play.
“Stronger than Nurse, way too easy,” Lynxi said. “Missing is not punishing enough, healing doesn’t matter so wasting time/slugging doesn’t matter. Very unhealthy for the game. I played for 5 hours and did not lose all 5 gens once. Even without perks/addons, it’s actually insane.”
The full changes for The Twins and other parts of the update can be found here, though it’s unknown how much if at all these changes will be adjusted further before the rework for The Twins goes live at a later date.