Destiny 2 is off to an incredible start, as if anyone had any doubt that it would crush. Acitivision let loose a celebratory press release this morning to share that digital sales and engagement have been off the charts since the game launched. As of now, the record for concrurrent players online and playing together is 1.3 million, which is insane. They could very well break another record after the launch of the PC version, but for now this is an incredible feat worth boasting. Activision‘s CEO Eric Hirshberg showed up to do a little boasting:
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“With franchise pre-order records broken, and record day-one performance on PlayStation Store, it’s exciting to see engagement at the highest ever week-one concurrency for the franchise. Destiny 2 is off to a strong start as the #1 console gaming launch week of the year to date,” Hirshberg said. “With the PC version yet to ship, Destiny 2 sets the stage for being one of the biggest video game entertainment events of the year.”
While total launch sales didn’t quite live up to the bar set by the original Destiny (that’s why they’re quoting digital sales most likely), the press release did note that Destiny 2 enjoyed the largest console game launch of the year to-date. We don’t doubt that one bit. It also also shot straight to the number one spot on Twitch as soon as the “Leviathan” raid went live, make the early raid runs among the most-watched moments in gaming this year.
Bungie CEO, Pete Parsons, said, “We hit some great milestones this week with our community.” He added, “We are blown away that we’ve had eight days in a row in Destiny 2 where we’ve seen more than one-million concurrent players grace our worlds. It’s equal parts inspiring and humbling, and we’re looking forward to showing everyone what’s coming next!”
Are you a part of this momentum? Have you been running Leviathan with your fireteam? If you’re already basking in Destiny 2‘s end-game, don’t worry: we already have the first expansion to look forward to soon. Stay tuned for more info on Curse of Osiris!