Dr Disrespect Finally Reveals Reason Behind Twitch Ban After Continued Allegations

Dr Disrespect has revealed why he was banned by Twitch.

Famed streamer Guy "Dr Disrespect" Beahm has finally revealed the reason behind his ban from Twitch in 2020 following continued allegations that have come about in recent days. At the end of this past week, a former Twitch employee came forward and claimed that Beahm was previously booted from the streaming platform after "sexting a minor." Beahm initially responded by saying that "no wrongdoing was found" but didn't expand further due to legal matters stemming from a subsequent lawsuit tied to Twitch. Now, Beahm has released a much more extensive statement on the situation and has provided his own telling of what happened. 

In an extensive post on X, Beahm confirmed that he had traded messages with a minor in 2017. He went on to say that these messages were "in the direction of being inappropriate" but denied other allegations that would purport him to be a "predator or pedophile." He concluded the message by saying that he absolutely plans to return to streaming as his Dr Disrespect persona after taking an "extended vacation." 

"Everyone has been wanting to know why I was banned from Twitch, but for reasons outside of my control, I was not allowed to say anything for the last several years. Now that two former Twitch employees have publicly disclosed the accusations, I can now tell you my side of the story regarding the ban," Beahm said. "Were there Twitch Whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages[?] The answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more. Nothing illegal happened, no pictures were shared, no crimes were committed, I never even met the individual."

"I went through a lengthy arbitration regarding a civil dispute with Twitch and that case was resolved by a settlement. Let me be clear, it was not a criminal case against me and no criminal charges have ever been brought against me. Now, from a moral standpoint I'll absolutely take responsibility. I should have never entertained these conversations to begin with. That's on me. That's on me as an adult, a husband, and a father. It should have never happened."

Elsewhere in the statement, Beahm said that he "collectively" made the decision to step down from his position at Midnight Society, the studio that he co-founded in 2021. Midnight Society announced within the past day that it would be terminating its relationship with Beahm immediately as the developer continues to work on its first project, Deadrop

At the time of this writing, Twitch itself hasn't released a statement on this situation surrounding Beahm and it's unknown if the company will. If that changes, we'll be sure to update you here on ComicBook.