
‘Dragon Ball FighterZ’ Teaser Hints at Universe 11 DLC Fighter

Bandai Namco’s newest Dragon Ball FighterZ teaser hinted at the reveal of a new DLC fighter from […]

Bandai Namco’s newest Dragon Ball FighterZ teaser hinted at the reveal of a new DLC fighter from Universe 11, one that’s presumed to be Jiren the Grey.

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Jiren wasn’t explicitly mentioned in Bandai Namco’s tweet below that gave a rundown of Dragon Ball news that’s coming soon, but it did say “The Warrior from Universe 11 is joining the fight. Considering how popular and formidable Jiren was in Dragon Ball Super, he seems like a guarantee for Dragon Ball FighterZ’s next wave of DLC.

A member of the Pride Troopers from Universe 11, Jiren is far from the only character who hails from the universe but is by far the most recognizable. In the Tournament of Power arc in Dragon Ball Super, he gave Goku and the rest of Universe 7’s fighters the most trouble out of anyone else and was present right down to the final episodes in the saga. The Pride Troopers are composed of other memorable fighters like Toppo and Dispo, so there’s a chance they could be added as well, but Jiren seems like the most logical place to start especially since the teaser referred to the character as “The” warrior and not just “a” fighter.

As the ninth DLC character, Jiren wouldn’t be the first fighter to come from the Dragon Ball Super series. Android 17 was released late last year as a DLC option, the character previously only present as an assist for some of Android 18’s moves. While the fighter originally came from Dragon Ball Z, his appearance in Dragon Ball FighterZ uses his look from Dragon Ball Super when he joined up with Goku and the rest of the main characters to compete in the multi-dimensional tournament.

Jiren has also made appearances in other Dragon Ball games prior to Dragon Ball FighterZ, if that is indeed the character Bandai Namco is going with first. He was announced for a release in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 in early 2018 and has made his presence know there.

Bandai Namco’s tweet also alluded to a new Dragon Ball game announced recently, an RPG which is said to be based on the world of Dragon Ball Z.