
New Dying Light 2 Update Finally Adds Photo Mode, Patch Notes Revealed


Dying Light 2 is set to finally receive a new update that will add a photo mode to the popular open-world game. Since DL2 launched in the early part of this year, fans have made it well-known that they’d like to see photo mode arrive at some point. And while it took a few months to get here, the feature will finally roll out within the coming day.ย 

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Releasing on June 14th, update 1.4.0 for Dying Light 2 will be arriving across PlayStation, Xbox, and PC platforms. In addition to adding a photo mode, this patch will also make a vast number of other tweaks to the game. Many of these alterations come in the way of bug fixes, which means that this update should improve DL2 a fair amount overall.ย 

To coincide with this update, Dying Light 2 is also getting its first free “chapter” of content. Essentially, this is a new piece of DLC to the game entitled In the Footsteps of a Nightrunner that will introduce a new character and special mission among many other features.ย 

If you would like to see everything that is included with this 1.4.0 update for Dying Light 2, you can check out the patch notes down below.ย 


  • Chapter Agent โ€” meet Harper, a former Nightrunner that acts as your link to the new features. Find him at the Fish Eye Canteen and assist him in taking down the Infected.
  • New Rank System โ€” discover a system that strengthens the bond between you and the agent by carrying out his tasks.ย 
  • Daily and Weekly Bounties โ€” face the Infected head-on in a series of daily and weekly night activities that will earn you reputation points upon completion.
  • Unlockables โ€” with enough reputation points, you can rank up to unlock access to high-end weapons, outfits, and consumables.ย 
  • 2 New Currencies โ€” to purchase these new items, you will first need to collect mutation samples off of the corpses of the Special Infected and acquire unique Harper’s Tokens with each new rank.
  • New Enemies โ€” meet the deadly and fierce Mutated Infected, the Volatile Tyrant, and the Volatile Hive.
  • Chapter Mission โ€” in this mission, you will have to endure time trials that will test your stealth, parkour, and combat skills to the limit.

Photo Mode

Due to popular demand, we’ve decided to implement a Photo Mode! This feature will be available in single-player game mode, and you will be able to launch it in most situations. Still, due to the complex parkour mechanics, it might be unavailable in some action sequences or poses.ย 


  • Multiple camera manipulation options, including aperture, focus distance, zoom, and roll, will help you create dynamic screenshots.
  • Color adjustments such as temperature, exposure, saturation, contrast, and vignette, with the addition of filters, will make each photo just beaming with climate and style.
  • Special Effects will allow you to create unique sequences straight from the action movies.

Game Updates

With each update, we always bring hundreds of fixes to our game and Update 1.4.0 is no different. Aside from the Chapters and Photo Mode introduction, we’ve focused on gameplay issues reported by our players and detected by our QA team.

Check out a more detailed list below:

  • Gameplay Updates
      • Fixed dust presence in The City after completing the game. The only affected terrain will be around the TV Station area
      • Fixed an issue with inseparable Biter limbs
      • Fixed an issue with vaulting into textures, allowing the player to traverse around the map
      • Fixed missing textures in the Prologue that caused players to fall outside the map
      • Fixed issues that caused Volatiles and Virals not to be affected by UV Flashlight
      • Fixed an issue where players would not receive a bat during the Ultimate Fury Cricket challenge
      • Improved player’s reaction to Volatile hits
      • Fixed Hakon being stuck during the Getting Stronger quest
      • Fixed Hakon teleporting glitch during the Getting Stronger quest
      • Fixed a heavy fog present during the Getting Stronger quest
      • Fixed missing world items in the containers during the Markers of Plague quest that blocked players from progressing in the quest
      • Fixed some issues with missing textures in Dark Zones
      • Fixed gathering prompt on world items like UV shrooms or chamomile
      • Fixed game behavior while leaving Nightrunner Trial with a function designed to leave the challenge early
      • Fixed one-handed power attack animation
      • Fixed a bug during the A Place to Call Home quest that did not allow players to progress in a story on PlayStation
      • Fixed a bug during The Only Way Out that did not allow players to progress in the story
      • Fixed a bug where skipping dialogue would not allow players to progress in the story
      • Fixed respawn button that was not working properly during some quests
      • Fixed an issue where encounter spawn was too crowded for a place of combat
      • Special Infected are harder to kill with ranged weapons
      • Fixed an issue where Military Tech would disappear right after collecting it from an Airdrop and then terminating the game
      • Fixed an issue where players could not use the bed, and the in-game time was frozen
      • Fixed enemy detection of players’ ranged attacks while they remain hidden
      • Fixed ravagers AI while patrolling the camps
  • Co-op Updates
      • Improved co-op stability when joining the game on PlayStation
      • Fixed an issue where players could not join the host because of changing online visibility to Private and Public multiple times
      • Fixed overlapping Fast Travel promptย 
      • Fixed flashlight glitch that was visible on the map during co-op play
      • Fixed black screen issue while playing with friends on console versions of the game
      • Fixed game crashes related to challenge timer
      • Fixed issue where players could not participate in Crossbow Survive challenge
      • Fixed issue with Water Tower alignment blocked after playing with a friend
  • UI/UX Updates
      • Fixed The Message of the Day fullscreen display
      • Fixed The Message of The Day issues while the game is launched in the Traditional Chinese language
      • Fixed incorrect display of list format in Events tab while the game is launched in the Japanese language
      • Fixed overlapping Continue and Options buttons in the main menu on Xbox
      • Fixed D-pad control of Events tab on Xbox
      • Fixed UI glitch when changing charms in the inventory
      • Fixed missing controller controls on the PC version of the game
      • Fixed access to Credits on Xbox
      • Fixed missing map textureย 
      • Fixed issue with side quests being active in your journal after starting New Game +
      • Fixed missing Stamina requirement on Windmill activitiesย 
      • Players are now able to compare items in the inventory
  • Technical Updates
    • Improved CPU performance on PlayStation
    • Fixed multiple stability issues during game launch on PlayStation and Xbox
    • Fixed game crash related to a simultaneous button press in difficulty screen on Xbox
    • Fixed black screen issue during the second Waltz encounter on Xbox
    • Fixed loading screen crash that happened after finishing the Prologue
    • Fixed collection of Tickets, Please! trophy on PlayStation
    • Fixed FPS drops in the open-world environment on PlayStation
    • Fixed Show On Map quest feature on ASUS ROG Zephyrus Duo
    • Fixed a possibility to swap screens on ASUS ROG Zephyrus Duo