Fake Fallout Site Blasts Fallout 76's Premium Subscription

Pretty much every Fallout 76 player and even those who are only tentatively interested in the [...]

Pretty much every Fallout 76 player and even those who are only tentatively interested in the game's happenings will know by now that Bethesda just announced Fallout 1st. It's a premium Fallout 76 subscription that grants access to private servers and other perks, though the private playgrounds are the main draw after players have been requesting them since the game launched. The solution to the request and the fact that it costs $100 a year to subscribe has led to Fallout 1st being absolutely lambasted online with one of the best examples of this being a copycat announcement site that's now been removed.

A site with the URL of falloutfirst.com appeared not long after Bethesda made its announcement for the subscription, and at an initial glance, you'd think it was an official page detailing the contents of this $13-per-month subscription. Reading the contents of the page shows that this is in no way an official extension of Bethesda but was instead created by someone who had some strong opinions on Fallout 76's new subscription.

The site has since been taken down, but not before it was archived and shared within the Fallout 76 subreddit. You can find the site archived here where it details the contents of what it calls the Fallout F—K YOU 1st subscription.

If Bethesda had something positive to say about the features of a Fallout 1st subscription, whoever made this site had their own descriptions to counter them. Filled with expletives and vivid imagery, most of the site can't be shared without needing censoring, but an excerpt below shows what the creator thought of the bottomless storage containers given to subscribers.

"Use the Scrapbox to store all your crafting components so they aren't taking up space in your Stash Box (Yay pay to win systems!)," the parody site said. "The Scrapbox has unlimited storage (WAIT WTF SERIOUSLY), so no need to worry about picking and choosing when it comes to hoarding scrap. (I am actually really starting to get pissed the more I read this s--t)."

It's unknown who made the site, but it apparently didn't stay up for long. One would assume that Bethesda was behind the takedown, possibly because of how closely it resembles an actual Bethesda site with its format, images of the Vault Boy, and even the speckled background.

Even with that site down, the sentiments about Fallout 76's subscription are already filling every other Fallout 76 community. The responses remain overwhelmingly negative, and many people seem to have their eye on the Fallout-style The Outer Worlds now more than before.