Far Cry 5 Story Trailer Mixes Cult Brutality With Open World Chaos

Time to get better acquainted with the cult leader Joseph Seed from the upcoming Far Cry 5 title [...]

Time to get better acquainted with the cult leader Joseph Seed from the upcoming Far Cry 5 title coming soon. The latest trailer brought by Ubisoft introduces Far Cry fans to a world of chaos, brutality, and control with the leader of the Eden's Gate cult himself as he sets the stage for doom and his false salvation.

With his "God given" gifts, Joseph Seed - much like any cult leader - is an egotistical icon with charm used to allure those who have 'lost their way'. In the video above, hopefuls can see Seed in all of his charismatic glory as he promises the world, as long as you don't mind getting your hands dirty. With his loyal cult following at his beck and call, it will be up to the player and their friends to take out Eden's Gate blind follower by blind follower until the head of the snake himself can be cut down.

The trailer also gives those interested an even closer look at the game's play mechanics, as well as showing off what sort of melee combat players can look forward to. With an incredibly expansive world with over 65 unique NPCs to converse with, the game won't just be another run and gun - it promises a strong narrative, close friendships, and taking out the big bad and saving the town. Sounds pretty epic, right?

Far Cry 5 will be making its grand debut on March 27th for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Did you know if you purchase the Far Cry 3 Classic Edition coming out, it comes with the Far Cry 5 season pass for free? Check out our previous coverage here, but in addition to what else the game comes with - these are the three new adventures players have to look forward to if they scoop up the pass for themselves:

  • Hours of Darkness: Players will travel back in time to Vietnam to battle against Việt Cộng soldiers
  • Dead Living Zombies: Players will face hordes of zombies in multiple b-movie scenarios
  • Lost on Mars: Players will leave Earth behind to go toe-to-claws with Martian arachnids

You can also get the season pass with the Gold Edition of the game that will retail for $89.99!