In case you haven’t heard, the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game is my new favorite Final Fantasy game right now. Between getting friends together about the round table for a round of cards and getting friends together online for some Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, I’ve become quite the Square Enix evangelist in my circles. I’m here to proselytize you as well. The Final Fantasy Trading Card Game has two new Opus series on the way, and both present the perfect chance for you to try the game for the the first time.
Videos by ComicBook.com
Opus III will launch late next month, and will feature cards based on various Final Fantasy titles, with an emphasis on Final Fantasy IX and Type-0. Additionally, we recently discovered via ICV2 (and confirmed with our sources at Square Enix) that Opus IV will be launching in October. Opus IV will be a highly sought after series of cards which will feature at least a few characters from Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions and Dissidia Final Fantasy. We know that Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood will eventually take players back to Ivalice, so maybe we’ll get to see some of that content around October to coincide with this release? Time will tell.
If you’ve never played the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game, I highly recommend you grab a starter pack and try it out with the nerdiest friend you can find. I did a full review of the game which you can read right here, but I’ll post a short excerpt below to give you an idea of why I loved it so much:
“The Final Fantasy TCG is very cleverly designed in such a way as to encourage players to “build” decks around certain elements and hero cards. Some of your “back up” cards (non-fighting cards) have special abilities that will buff all forwards (attacking cards) of a certain element. Some heroes will buff other heroes. Some spells only affect certain types of cards. As you draw and play more cards, you’ll very quickly see all of the cool attacks and setups you could be pulling off if you had only slipped certain card combinations into your deck beforehand.
“Your deck will always contain 50 cards, and before you know it you’ll be fine-tuning those last 10-15 cards based on a single strategy that may or may not play out in your favor, depending on what your opponent has in store. Things get very competitive very quickly for players who like to win, but if you want to take it easy and just slap each other around with beautifully illustrated Final Fantasy characters, you can absolutely do that.”
Stay tuned to WWG for all of the latest — we’ll be hungry to score some new booster packs as soon as they launch, and we’ll be sure to share some of our sweet new holographics and new strategies with you when we rip those suckers open!