Fortnite Battle Royale Double XP Weekend Now Live

Fortnite players: a brand new update has just gone live! The team at EPIC Games has given you a [...]


Fortnite players: a brand new update has just gone live! The team at EPIC Games has given you a brand new game mode, new characters and content, and tons of fixes and tweaks. This weekend if the perfect time to dive in and try the new 50 v 50 mode if you've been looking for something different to try, and for lapsed players, EPIC means to suck you back in with a pretty sweet incentive: double XP!

The double XP will apply from today until April 22, and it will apply to the things you do while actually playing Battle Royale. When you complete a certain challenge in Fortnite, the reward is pre-determined, and we expect that those challenge rewards will stay the same for the entirety of week 9, even with double XP. But the experience you get for completing matches and getting kills will be doubled up, and you should be able to cram in some playtime this weekend and unlock those battle tiers!

You won't want to miss out on this weekend, anyway. The 50 v 50 mode is here for a limited time only, and the developers took careful note of fan feedback the last time. Improvements have been made to the team-based mode this time which should make for a more exciting romp. Here's the rundown from the official update:

"In this new version, each team has a bus that approaches from opposite directions of the map. On the map, the friendly bus has a blue outline, and the enemy has red. The final storm circle is visible on the mini-map from the start and players are given 10 minutes to loot the map as the storm closes in on the circle, then five minutes to fight, and another five minutes as the storm shrinks to the end.

"Supply drops come in batches of 3-6, fall every two minutes, and only land in the final storm circle. A dotted line has been been added to the map to indicate "battle lines" between the two teams. While players can cross the line, this will make running into enemies more likely! Other tweaks have been made, including increases to resource gathering, item spawns, ammo, and more."

You better believe ComicBook will be there in force. You'll find our squad at Tilted Towers, looking up, waiting for the world to end.