‘Fortnite,’ ‘Spider-Man’ Found In Pornhub’s Top Searches For 2018

Porn fans sure can have odd taste sometimes. And if you need further evidence of this, take a [...]

Porn fans sure can have odd taste sometimes. And if you need further evidence of this, take a close look at Pornhub's top search results for 2018. (We assure you that link IS safe for work, no pictures involved, just statistics.)


The popular porn website shared various search results for the year, with a separate list for video games, in which Bowsette, the odd fan creation that mixes Bowser and Princess Peach into a bad-ass female, took control of the top spot with nearly 35 million porn searches. (We reported on this back in September.)

Fortnite was also a big hit with Pornhub searches, particularly when new characters were introduced to the game. The site notes, "the September release of Fortnite season 6 introduced gamers to Calamity. Now, three months and 2.5 million Pornhub searches later, she's the site's most-searched Fortnite character of the year, beating out Sun Strider and Zoey for the top spot."

Also worth noting is that Pornhub searches for Fortnite grew dramatically on April 11 when there was a big server outage for the game. "You guys really can't get enough of this game, can you?" Pornhub Insights asked.

Superhero-wise, Spider-Man was amongst one of the most searched Avengers characters out there, with his self-titled game for PlayStation 4 no doubt helping with that popularity. He was the second most searched Marvel character on the list, with Black Widow taking the lead position.

Returning to games, there were a number of characters that made the list with searches. In second place was Brigitte from Overwatch (with 4.8 million searches), followed by Lara Croft (4.5 million searches), Mercy from Overwatch (3.2 million searches) and Zelda from the Legend of Zelda series (2.7 million searches).

And for some weird reason, over 282,000 porn fans did searches for Pikachu. (Yet he was still beat by Bowser, who got 505,000.)

You can check out the full results at this link (again, safe for work), which also breaks down the most searched-for porn stars (Stormy Daniels was number one), most popular movie and TV characters (Harley Quinn dominated that list with over 10.2 million searches -- take that, Spidey!) and Pornhub requests during sporting events. It's definitely an interesting read, and leaves us wondering where 2019 porn searches will go. Doom Eternal...? Naaaaah.