Freedom Planet Devs "Exploring Options" To Bring the Series To Nintendo Switch

Just over the weekend, GalaxyTrail, the developers of the side-scrolling Sonic-like Freedom Planet [...]

Freedom Planet

Just over the weekend, GalaxyTrail, the developers of the side-scrolling Sonic-like Freedom Planet games, teased the Internet about bringing the series to the Nintendo Switch, asking "Are we doing it right?" while showing a Freedom Planet box sitting atop the system.

This sent many fans off into a frenzy, as they've been wanting the game series, including the forthcoming sequel, on Nintendo's platform since its release.

Alas, nothing is confirmed yet, as this was pretty much the definition of a "tease". However, GalaxyTrail has heard its fanbase loud and clear, and released a statement earlier today that it is indeed looking at bringing the franchise to the Switch. That's not to say anything is official yet, but it's looking into it.

Here's the company's full statement, straight from its Facebook page:

"About our previous post: We want everyone to know they we've heard you loud and clear about the Switch. (We've now counted literally thousands of requests sent to us!) We're currently exploring all of our options to offer you the game and the sequel on the Switch. The best we could give you so far was a silly pun though. 🙁

On the subject there is nothing to announce at this time, but we'll definitely let everyone know as soon as there is.

Stay tuned for more news about ports, while our programmers work diligently to bring you FP2, we're still working to offer you the game you love on every platform we can, even toasters if we can manage it! (Those have screens now right?)"

Freedom Planet 2 had been in the works for some time, with a demo recently becoming available for Steam. The game is slated to arrive for various platforms this year, though Switch isn't one of them just yet. Still, considering Nintendo's support for indie-based games, it'd be surprising if they passed up on these speedy little adventures. After all, the original game did wonders on the Wii U (as well as Steam), so why not introduce it to a new audience to enjoy?

If you can, be sure to check the original Planet out. It's speedy little fun – and definitely a reminder of classic platforming games of old.