Friday the 13th: The Game Patch Notes Revealed for Final Update

The time has almost come for Friday the 13th: The Game when the multiplayer experience will get [...]

The time has almost come for Friday the 13th: The Game when the multiplayer experience will get its final update. Gun Media announced recently that development on the game would officially be ending soon with one last set of patch notes coming to detail all the fixed bugs and other resolved issues coming to players along with the revert to peer-to-peer servers instead of dedicated ones. Those patch notes have now been shared by the developer to show what's changing.

If you missed the initial announcement about the game getting a final update and are worried about what's happening to Friday the 13th: The Game, it'll still be playable after the patch is released on November 10th. It won't receive further bugfixes and updates afterwards, and the servers will be hosted on a peer-to-peer connection from now on, but it'll be playable and all your progress and accomplishments will remain intact.

One could say the news has been a long time coming ever since it was announced the developers would not be able to add new content to the game, but the news is still a blow to the community still playing Friday the 13th: The Game. Some have raised concerns of outstanding bugs and issues not addressed in the patch notes, but it's unclear what'll happen to those in the future since this is supposed to be the last update.

The patch notes for the November 10th update can be found below:

Friday the 13th: The Game's Final Update

Combat Stance

  • Commonly referred to as Sliding or Teleporting, the team has fixed an issue allowing players to manipulate combat stance changes.
  • Players may still see, when in spectator mode, counselors attempting to perform the exploit, however this is a visual artifact.

Pocket Knife Issues

  • Instant break free by using health spray or firecrackers when grabbed, resulting in not only an instant break free but also retention of the player's pocket knife, has been fixed.
  • Loss of pocket knives in circumstances when firecrackers are used has also been fixed.

Jason - Game Play

  • Ability Unlock/Recharge Rate toggle in private matches has been fixed to include both parameters.
  • Lobby icon irregularities resulting in an inaccurate lobby icon have been fixed.
  • Abduction, when Jason is able to Morph while holding a counselor, has been fixed.
  • Mask HP loopholes where use of a flare gun or firecrackers could get the mask to come off too quickly have been fixed.
  • Jason Kill Sequence - Kneel: The issue where the kneeling animation during the Jason Kill process could be repeated has been fixed.

Counselor - Game Play

  • Hiding Under Bed: An issue where players could hide under beds and become stuck in a way where Jason could not kill them has been fixed. While it is still possible in some instances to cause the bug, the counselor will be able to be killed by Jason in that state.
  • Lobby icon irregularities resulting in an inaccurate lobby icon have been fixed.
  • Numerous safe spots around the maps have been fixed, including the Pinehurst Roof method by way of Tommy's bed.
  • Players will now see an error if they roll and sell perks too quickly, but the game will stay functional and no longer lock up. Players can then continue to roll and sell perks, being cautious of not overloading the roll system.
  • An issue causing the Counselor clothing options to not save properly when altering color/items has been resolved. Feel free to go back to playing Pink Cop Kenny.
  • Tommy Jarvis voice lines have been restored, and this is between him and Jason.


  • Various Interaction Locks have been fixed, particularly those that occurred when players would input either multiple button presses or rapid button presses in short succession, rapid pick up and put down of items, and multiple inputs appearing with on screen prompts.
  • Fuse Box and Fuse spawn for the Cop call has been extended to ensure the fuse does not spawn inside the house with the fuse repair box.
  • With this patch, matchmaking will shift away from Dedicated Servers and onto Peer to Peer Matchmaking for all matches.
    • The game will still be playable online publicly with the Quick Play option and privately with the Private Match option.
    • For more on this change, as well as the status of the game going forward, please follow up with our statement here.