Gotham Knights Reveals New Robin Gameplay Video

Gotham Knights developer WB Games Montreal has today revealed a new gameplay video dedicated entirely to the playable character Robin. Within recent weeks, we've finally started to see more of the upcoming Batman game thanks to some new character-specific trailers that have started to emerge. Now, the second such video in this style has been let loose to better highlight one of the game's four playable protagonists. 

This new trailer for Gotham Knights lasts a little under two minutes and better highlights many of the tools and abilities that Robin will have at his disposal in the game. As expected, many of Robin's attacks center around his iconic bo-staff, which can be used to dispatch foes in a number of ways. Robin also has the ability to teleport short distances in Gotham Knights, which is something that he can do thanks to technology from the Justice League. This teleportation tactic doesn't just allow Robin to get around Gotham in unique ways, but it also lets him get the drop on baddies in ways that they wouldn't anticipate. 

You can watch the trailer for yourself in the video attached below or at the top of this page. 

At this point in time, we've now seen extensive gameplay trailers for most of the characters in Gotham Knights. In addition to this new showing for Robin, WB Games Montreal revealed a lengthy video last month that highlighted Red Hood and Nightwing. The only character that we have yet to see a lot of is Batgirl, although that will likely change in the future when she gets her own dedicated gameplay trailer. 

Gotham Knights is slated to release later this year on October 25 and will be coming to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and PC. If you'd like to learn more about today's new gameplay video for Robin, be sure to check out our interview here on with some of the developers at WB Games Montreal. 

How do you feel about Robin in Gotham Knights after getting a deeper look at him in this trailer? And are you planning to pick this game up for yourself later this fall? Let me know either down in the comments or reach out to me on Twitter at @MooreMan12.