GTA 6 Insider Teases Return of Single-Player Expansions

Grand Theft Auto fans haven't seen single-player DLC since GTA 4, but that might change with GTA 6.

Rockstar Games may revive the single-player expansion with GTA 6. With GTA 4 and Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games set up a precedence of releasing single-player, story-driven expansions. It erased this precedence with GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2. However, this was apparently not a straightforward decision. According to a prominent and reliable Rockstar Games insider, Rockstar was planning on doing single-player DLC for both games but had to end up abandoning this pursuit to focus on other things. In other words, Rockstar Games hasn't given up on single-player DLC quite yet. 

The new report comes the way of Tez2 who has teased the possibility of GTA 6 getting single-player expansions, however, there's no guarantee this content won't end up being dumped and abandoned to prioritize something else. More specifically, Tez2 had the following to say when asked if single-player DLC is "that unlikely," with the question noting it was previously reported that a reduced game scope combined with post-launch expansions was being utilized to combat development crunch.

"Not really when you factor in that a single-player DLC was considered for every title since Grand Theft Auto IV. Except, Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption 2 were never followed through due to the focus on online and work already starting on the next title," says the Tez2 over on the GTA Forums.

The Rockstar Games insider continues: "I don't see why Rockstar wouldn't repeat the same pattern with VI and then decide whether to cut or follow through. But this time, they may do the latter. And it's more of episodic content, aka expansions, than a singular single-player DLC. They can do them yearly or biyearly. Which would help reduce crunch."

Is any of this true? Who knows. There's no way to validate this information. That said, the Tez2 has proven reliable and reputable in the past so there's little reason to doubt what is being said here. Unfortunately, what is being said here -- unlike when he said the game would be revealed this year, which ended up being right -- is not very committal to anything. So, proceed with a grain of salt. At the moment of publishing, Rockstar Games has not said a peep about this matter. If it does, we will update the story accordingly.