Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Launch Trailer Released

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is slated to release later this month on October 26th, but despite the fact that the launch date is two full weeks away, developer Eidos-Montreal and Square Enix have gone ahead and released the launch trailer for the upcoming Marvel-branded title. While a good portion of the trailer isn't exactly news, there is plenty of new footage in it -- including a brief stinger that looks like it could maybe, possibly be Adam Warlock.

The inclusion of Adam Warlock in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy would not exactly be shocking. It's known that the Universal Church of Truth is one of if not the major antagonist in the video game, and while there are all sorts of different canons to consider when talking about anything Marvel, the organization famously worshipped an evil version of Adam Warlock called the Magus. If it is Warlock, he isn't fully revealed here by name, but everything about it seems to scream that it is, in fact, the classic Marvel character.

"We certainly did our homework, and we certainly immersed ourselves in the lore of the comics, and we read tons of stuff and everything," said Mary DeMarle, Senior Narrative Director on Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, when previously asked about how deep down the Marvel rabbit hole the video game goes. "And then we created our own universe, our own story within our universe, and so then we had to start filling it up with stuff. So sometimes we fill it up with Easter eggs like the Dazzler poster, and sometimes we put a little more significance into it."

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is set to release for PlayStation 5PlayStation 4Xbox Series X, Xbox Series SXbox OneNintendo Switch, and PC later this month on October 26th. It is available to pre-order now wherever such things are sold, and pre-ordering the title gets an outfit pack full of throwback outfits for the Guardians. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the upcoming Marvel-branded video game right here.

What do you think about what we have seen of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy so far? Do you think that's Adam Warlock at the end of the launch trailer? Let us know in the comments, or feel free to reach out and hit me up directly over on Twitter at @rollinbishop to talk about all things gaming!