Halo Infinite Lead Narrative Designer Leaves 343 Industries

Halo Infinite lead narrative designer Aaron Linde has announced that he is leaving developer 343 Industries in order to "pursue a new opportunity in 2022." As for where exactly Linde is going following his departure from the Halo franchise, he hasn't said, but it is interesting to imagine the position that would draw one away from Halo's developer.

"Bittersweet news to report: I'm departing 343 Industries to pursue a new opportunity in 2022," Linde shared over on Twitter at the end of last year. "It was a terrifically difficult decision; Halo Infinite will remain one of the proudest achievements of my career for the rest of my life. I'm so grateful to have been a part of it."

"I want to thank my dear colleagues at 343 for making the best game I've ever worked on, our incredible voice cast for elevating our work in every single line delivery, and our players for joining us on this wild-ass journey," Linde continued. "You made 2021 an incredibly special year for me."

Notably, Linde previously worked as lead writer on Gearbox Software's Battleborn as well as a lead writer and narrative designer at ArenaNet and, immediately prior to 343 Industries, as a senior writer at Bungie on Destiny 2. With his work background, there's no telling where Linde might have ended up, but it seems safe to say that we will all learn about it in the near future.

As for the video game itself, Halo Infinite is currently available for the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, and PC. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the latest and greatest Halo title right here.

What do you think of Linde leaving 343 Industries? Have you had a chance to play through Halo Infinite as of yet? Let us know in the comments, or feel free to reach out and hit me up directly over on Twitter at @rollinbishop to talk about all things gaming!

[H/T GameSpot]