Ice T Shows Off His Latest Gaming Obsession, 'The Division 2'

Just a few more days before all can enjoy Ubisoft's The Division 2, but it looks like actor / [...]

Just a few more days before all can enjoy Ubisoft's The Division 2, but it looks like actor / rapper Ice-T is getting the party started early as he jokes about his upcoming game-induced hiatus.

If you follow Ice-T on Twitter (which you should, it's hilarious), you'll know that he often shares his "Gamer Stuff" where he talks about his latest gaming ventures and which titles hold his current obsession. It looks like he'll be putting Destiny 2 down for a little bit, because like the rest of us -- he's hooked:

With so many gaming posts, some seem to have forgotten that he doesn't just play the games, he's also been in a few:

He's definitely not alone in The Division 2 hype. We've been enjoying it ourselves immensly since the 12th and it definitely shows that the team over at Ubisoft were listening to the first game's abundant feedback.

For me personally, I started following him on social media when I spotted a Cayde-6 from Destiny 2 statue in a post about Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. The nerdy collector within me just couldn't let it go without saying anything and though I don't think I'll ever get to raid with him any time soon, it was a cool little moment in the name of Cayde. That, or I'm just stupidly obsessed with Destiny's Hunter. Tomato, Tomahto:

But it looks like his Destiny love will be shelved for a little bit. For everyone else, The Division 2 drops on March 15 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

With a phenomenal line-up of games slated for 2019, we're excited to see where the adventures of Ice T lead next!

You can contact the author of this story on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy.


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