Check Out Joker's Stairs Scene Recreated in Far Cry 5

By now, you've likely seen the scene from Joker where Joaquin Phoenix's Arthur Fleck dances on the [...]

By now, you've likely seen the scene from Joker where Joaquin Phoenix's Arthur Fleck dances on the stairs in his full outfit. It features prominently in the trailers, and is apparently a fairly spotlighted scene in the film, so either you've seen it in promotional material or you've actually seen the film -- the merits of which we shall not discuss here. But you probably haven't seen it recreated in, say, Ubisoft's popular video game Far Cry 5.

One of the more interesting decisions in the creation of modern video games is the decision to focus on adding ways for folks to add their own spins to the game. Custom maps, easy modding, level builders, and more have only become more prevalent with time, and it's made for some particularly interesting mashups. The YouTube channel Mojo Swoptops, for example, is basically just one long list of iconic locations and scenes recreated in Far Cry 5 using the game's built-in tools. And one of the latest and greatest just so happens to be the aforementioned Joker scene.

You can check out the Mojo Swoptops version of the film's scene below:

Now, it's not exactly a 1:1 recreation, obviously, given the limitations of the medium in which Mojo Swoptops is working, but it's still close enough to clearly be what its referencing while also being far closer that one might have imagined when the words "Joker scene recreated in Far Cry 5" went through their head. And while the process is sped up significantly in the above video, it's clear that a good amount of time and effort went into building it.

What do you think of the recreation? Obviously it doesn't have Phoenix as Fleck strutting his stuff, but it's still an impressive thing to make, right? Let us know in the comments, or hit me up directly on Twitter at @rollinbishop to talk all things gaming!

Joker is now showing in theaters. Far Cry 5 is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the most recent DC Comics film right here.