League Of Legends' Aatrox Officially Added To Update Schedule

While most League of Legends players are probably currently most concerned with news of the new [...]

(Photo: Riot Games)

While most League of Legends players are probably currently most concerned with news of the new Darkin champion called Kayn, there's another Darkin character that has also been talked about recently with how he fits into the game and what can be done to make him feel more at home on the Rift. For those who thought that Aatrox's rework was just a distant hope, you'll be pleased to see that Aatrox has officially been added to the League of Legends update schedule.

If it still seems too good to be true, proof that Aatrox's rework has been scheduled by Riot Games can be seen by navigating to the game's champion update schedule through their support page. Here, Riot keeps up with a list of champions that they hope to look at in big ways in the near future, usually placing either visual and gameplay updates or purely gameplay updates in this section. Urgot and Evelynn were already listed on that schedule, and The Darkin Blade now finds himself falling in line behind those two champions to receive an update.

But just because he's third in line, that doesn't mean that he'll be the third big reveal in the list of upcoming champs and reworks. In early June, during a champion timeline discussion where devs discussed their upcoming plans, Meddler said that according to their plans, the champion updates wouldn't be back-to-back. Instead, they'd be split up with new champion reveals between them.

"Up next's a new champ, then Urgot, then another new champ, then Evelynn," said Meddler in his post.

With Kayn being revealed, that means the next big release is going to be the updated Urgot. After another new champ, Eve, and perhaps one more new champ if they stick to the alternating format, Aatrox will finally be looked at. His update is scheduled to be a gameplay update and not a visual and gameplay update though as opposed to both Urgot and Evelynn, so his might not take quite as long to roll out once his time comes.

While there's hardly any speculation about what the final product of his rework might entail, we know that it currently has "promising design directions" that will rework every one of his abilities and will likely be the largest update ever, according to lead champion designer Reav3.
