
League of Legends Champion Prices Are Getting Updated


League of Legends champions are plentiful in the game’s current state, but the prices of the different characters have largely remained untouched over the years. Champions are sectioned off into tiers where the older ones cost less and the newer ones cost more – that’s how it’s been for a long while. Riot Games is updating that pricing model, however, and while some parts of the current system will remain the same like brand new champions costing more, other parts are changing to make some characters more accessible to players.

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The individual Blue Essence price points – 450 BE, 1350 BE, 3150 BE, 4800 BE, 6300 BE, and 7800 BE – will still be sticking around. However, the champions that exist within those tiers are changing. Instead of corralling all the old champs down into the bottom tier, that one will soon house characters who “are awesome for new players,” Riot said. Malphite, Miss Fortune, and, surprisingly enough given the sentiment around her, Yuumi were three champs referenced who’ll be in the 450 BE tier.

The next tier up, 1350 BE, will be more complex yet approachable characters like Yasuo and Sett. Those that cost 3150 BE will include champs that are a bit more mechanically intensive like LeBlanc, Shaco, and Yorick, and Riot said “the majority of the roster” will be in the 4800 BE tier.

The top two tiers will remain largely the same as they are now. Champions who cost 6300 BE will be ones that came out in the past two seasons and will be moved down to the 4800 BE tier after two seasons have passed. The tier for 7800 BE champs will stay reserved for only champions that came out within the past week.

New champion bundles are also part of Riot’s plans to group characters with similar playstyles into bundles to bolster early collections for newer accounts. All this should combine to form a new system where champions are overall cheaper to purchase, Riot said.

“Overall, this represents a fairly significant decrease to the BE/RP cost of our roster, which should make it easier for players starting their journey to find the fun in League,” Riot said. “Without discounts, this equates to a reduction of 140,606 BE and 14,905 RP for our champion catalog!”

These champion pricing adjustments will be rolled out in Patch 13.5.