
League of Legends Chromas Revealed for Pizza Delivery Sivir, Other April Fools Skins

New League of Legends chromas are coming for older skins as well as ones that haven’t even been […]

New League of Legends chromas are coming for older skins as well as ones that haven’t even been released yet.

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Pizza Delivery Sivir, Birdio, Pug’Maw, and Renektoy are the skins that’ll be getting some colorful new variations soon with each skin getting anywhere from five to eight chromas depending on which cosmetic you’re hoping to buy for. Pug’Maw is getting the most chromas with eight different canine variations, which makes sense given that he’s the most popular between Kog’Maw’s and Renekton’s skins and will likely retain that popularity when the new skins are released.

All of the chromas for the champions were revealed through a post on the League of Legends boards that previewed the color changes that are now available on the PBE for testing, all of which can be seen below. Price points weren’t mentioned in the post, but it’s safe to assume that they’ll cost the usual price of 290 RP.

Pizza Delivery Sivir

One of the newest skins to be revealed and one half of what appears to be this year’s April Fools lineup is Pizza Delivery Sivir, a community idea that’s been around for many years.

As some players might’ve noticed from the initial reveal, Pizza Delivery Sivir’s pizzas has certain toppings on them, but in other images, the toppings would be changed. It was confirmed by the Pizza Delivery Sivir bug thread on the boards that her pizza topings would shuffle every time she threw out her Boomerang Blade (Q), but the chromas take this one step further by giving the champion different toppings on the pizza along with different delivery outfits to go along with it, each of the chroma options named below.

Pizza Delivery Sivir Chromas:

  • Catseye
  • Aquamarine
  • Rose Quartz
  • Amethyst
  • Obsidian


Birdio, the fried chicken-themed skin for Galio, is also getting its own set of chromas that turn Galio into several different types of birds.

The idea for Birdio doesn’t have quite the legacy that Pizza Delivery Sivir does, but it’s hard to say that the skin’s not a good idea, especially when seen alongside the chromas. Birdio’s base skin has the champion with an all-white body and an orange apron and yellow beak, but the chromas turn him into everything from a parrot to a flamingo to an eagle. There’s a little something for every kind of bird enthusiast or Galio main with Birdio’s chromas, each of those shown above and named below.

Birdio Chromas:

  • Ruby
  • Aquamarine
  • Catseye
  • Citrine
  • Rose Quartz
  • Meteorite


And then there’s Pug’Maw, the adorable Kog’Maw skin that’s found its way into tons of games at both the normal level and on the big stage when the pros play.

This champion’s cosmetic was revealed around this time last year as part of the 2017 April Fools skins, a release that brought favorites such as the cowbell-clanging Moocow Alistar. Both Pug’Maw and Alistar’s skins have proven to be the most popular ones among the releases, and with Moocow Alistar already getting his chromas in the past, it’s time for Pug’Maw to get the same treatment.

Pug’Maw’s eight different doggo variations can be found below that include one that even gives the dog-skinned champion an eyepatch.

Pug’Maw Chromas:

  • Rose Quartz
  • Sandstone
  • Meteorite
  • Citrine
  • Speckled
  • Pearl
  • Obsidian
  • Granite


Last but not least is Renektoy, another April Fools skin that was released alongside Pug’Maw, Moocow Alistar, and Super Kennen.

Renektoy is neither the most-used skin nor the least, it seems, but his chromas just might change that in a good way. Renekton is getting the second-most amount of chromas for his skin from this new announcement with Renektoy soon having seven different color options. From purple and green to pink and blue to a dazzling rainbow color that changes both his back spikes and his blade, the chromas for Renektoy are listed below.

Renektoy Chromas:

  • Catseye
  • Obsidian
  • Rose Quartz
  • Tanzanite
  • Aquamarine
  • Amethyst
  • Pearl

All of these chromas are currently on the PBE for testing and will be released in a later patch.