By Ryan Carrier
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With Evelynn’s full rework recently being revealed, Evelynn veterans and newcomers alike are looking to take advantage of the champion’s new versatility, mobility, and improved jungle clear times.
Not unlike Warwick’s rework, these improvements come at the cost of less ganking potential prior to level 6, though in Evelynn’s case her souped up kit will allow her to clear jungle camps quickly and efficiently, while keeping an eye on lanes that are pushed out far enough for her to fully capitalize on the charm on her new ‘W’, Lust Dust.
Check out the breakdown below, which is separated into jungling and ganking gameplay utilizing her new kit. Also included at the bottom is a few suggestions in terms of champion synergy.

First and foremost, over half of Evelynn’s ability kit improves her jungle clear time.ย While her Demon Shade passive does not provide her with camouflage until level 6, the passive’s health regeneration kicks in at the beginning of the game, which will allow her to keep her health pool sufficiently filled in between camps.ย The health regen on her passive will also enable Evelynn to stay out of base longer, which should mean she’ll have more windows of opportunity to help push a lane down, set up for dragon, or gank a lane.ย
In addition to her Demon Shade passive, Evelynn’s Hate Spike is now a skill shot, with the first shot dealing damage to the first unit hit, and the next three spells or attacks doing extra damage with a small AOE.ย Targeting the larger jungle mobs in both the wolf camp and raptors camp will enable Evelynn to chunk down the larger mobs quickly, while she can also manipulate the smaller monsters into a cluster in order to take advantage of the line AOE damage from subsequent hits.
While Lust Dust will absolutely prove to be an indispensable part of Evelynn’s kit against enemy champions, her new W also has a few added effects when the target is a jungle monster.ย When used on an enemy in a jungle camp, the charm on Lust Dust will last a little longer, and the spell will also deal bonus damage.ย Chaining the Lust Dust charm into a few hits from Hate Spike should make for some very quick jungle clears, and as such will keep Evelynn ahead of the curve in terms of level, gold income, and overall jungle presence.
The Evelynn rework is shaping up to make the champion both a delight to play as, and a terror to play against.ย Further condemning marksman champions into games full of terror and high stress levels, Evelynn’s new kit allows her to gap close, charm her choice of champions, and deal burst damage before escaping to safety, not unlike Ahri’s kit sprinkled in with some of Talon’s abilities.ย
While Evelynn’s ganking capabilities prior to level 6 are somewhat mitigated by her lack of camouflage, oftentimes a single bit of CC in addition to the incoming damage and CC from an ally is all it takes for a successful gank, or at the very least forcing her ally’s lane opponent to burn a summoner ability, like flash.ย As Lust Dust lowers her target’s magic resistance, her ganks are made all the more effective mid lane.
Communication will also prove to be paramount in repelling an enemy Evelynn.ย While her passive’s camouflage can only be dispelled by attacking enemies or getting to close to them, Lust Dust only reveals Evelynn to her target, which can easily prove fatal if the targeted champion isn’t on voice coms with the rest of his or her team.ย Player pings can only do so much during a team fight, and skilled Evelynn players can easily capitalize on a lack of communication in just a few seconds’ time, before disappearing back into the shadows.

In terms of synergy, Evelynn typically works best with CC-heavy teams and heavy magic damage dealers, such as Cho’Gath, Amumu, Morgana, and Ahri.
While any CC will help lock enemies in place for Evelynn, she truly shines when she catches an enemy champion out of position, and when she sets up Lust Dust in such a way that will allow her teammates to do increased magic damage.
The actual damage and power scaling numbers have yet to be released, but the versatility of her reworked kit speaks volumes, and Evelynn should be able to find her footing in the meta once more.