
League of Legends Has 4 New Super Galaxy Skins

A post shared by League of Legends (@leagueoflegends) on Sep 26, 2017 at 4:59am PDT Several new […]

Several new Super Galaxy skins are on their way to four different League of Legends champions according to a brief teaser.

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A PBE preview that was posted on Tuesday to the League of Legends Instagram account, shown above, showcases all of the new Super Galaxy skins that are on their way. The post is timed perfectly with the new PBE cycle that’s expected to begin soon, so those players with a PBE account will likely be able to check out the skins themselves within the next couple of days.

Nidalee, Elise, Gnar, and Annie are the four champions that’ll be joining the Super Galaxy lineup after their skins go through the testing phase on the PBE. These champions join the rest of the Super Galaxy parallel universe team that consists of Rumble, Shyvana, Kindred, and Fizz. Neon Strike Vi also ties into the group, though she’s not explicitly part of the Super Galaxy skin line.

With neon flare and some high-tech effects, all of the new skins look pretty impressive and seem like they’d make for some easy decisions when it comes to purchasing more cosmetics. No chromas for the skins have been confirmed yet, but they’ll likely be revealed alongside the new skins when they hit the PBE. Gnar’s gameplay preview at the end of the clip does show him almost fully blue, a different color than the recall animation that was shown right before, but that could very well be the color he turns when he’s almost filled his rage meter instead of a chroma.

Annie’s might remind players a bit of the Hextech Annie skin, but seeing how that one is only available through Gemstones and can be pretty difficult to craft, her Super Galaxy skin will be the next best thing. It also allows her to use Tibbers as both an escape vehicle and a weapon, and the mechanized version of the bear definitely looks like one of his best forms yet.

Beekeeper Singed, Arclight Yorick, and new skins for Master Yi, Fiora, and Janna are coming with the upcoming patch, but look for these skins to take their place on the PBE soon.