LEGO Fortnite Censors Popular Fortnite Skin

LEGO Fortnite had to make some changes to one Fortnite skin.

A popular Fortnite skin had to be censored for its LEGO Fortnite equivalent. Fortnite is predominately a kids game targeted at kids. This even more true with LEGO Fortnite, and the LEGO brand in general. To this end, even Fortnite has some content that is too much for LEGO, a brand known for being very kid friendly and all about positivity. As a result, perhaps it should come as no surprise that the "dead game" Fortnite skin has been changed for its release in LEGO Fortnite

Back in 2022, Epic Games leaned into the "dead game" memes that were popular on social media at the time, especially in the comments section of posts from the official Fortnite account. The skin is not called "dead game," but rather Veronika. However, the character has a "dead game" shirt on, hence why it is called the dead game skin. 

Fast-forward to 2024, and it is being added to LEGO Fortnite, but with an adjustment because this is apparently too much for the LEGO branding. Rather than "dead game" the shirt reads "best game" in LEGO Fortnite

It's possible this in itself is a joke, but knowing how strict LEGO is, it seems more likely this modification was made with the brand and its image in mind. That said, we can't confirm this because neither Epic Games nor LEGO have said a peep about the matter or the speculation it has created. Of course, if this changes, we will be sure to update the story accordingly. That said, with a major LEGO Fortnite update releasing today, it is unlikely Epic Games is going to detract from that to talk about a change to one skin in the game. In other words, don't expect to hear anything from either aforementioned party on the matter.

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