
How to Get Marvel Rivals’ New Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman Wedding Skins for Free

Get these lovely Marvel Skins for free.

Marvel Rivals Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman Wedding Skins

Developer NetEase has been releasing skins at an incredible rate for Marvel Rivals and its iconic heroes and villains. The hero shooter offers numerous characters to play and each has multiple skins hailing from comics and new creations. The latest skins to be announced are a wedding set for Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman. Players can purchase these skins in a bundle just in time to celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 13th at 9 PM EST. But the best part is players can earn these skins for free just by playing. However, there is a catch and a limited time to unlock the wedding skins for Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman in Marvel Rivals.

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To unlock the Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman wedding skins for free in Marvel Rivals, players simply need to play in Quick Play during certain times and get put into a match with participating streamers. As long as players join a match with a streamer, they will be eligible to earn the skins. Here are the time slots to play Marvel Rivals:

  • February 12: from 4 PM to 6 PM PST / from 7PM to 9 PM EST
  • February 13: from 8 AM to 10 AM PST / from 4 PM to 6 PM UTC
  • February 14: from 3 AM to 5 AM PST / from 8 PM to 10 PM JST

Players should keep an eye on their teammates and opponents’ names to verify if they match with a streamer. If players are able to match with a streamer, they will receive an in-game mail confirming they have earned these skins. Players must ensure they play through the entire match. Disconnecting may disqualify you from the event and any eligible rewards. If other players disconnect, you are still eligible for the rewards. 

One thing to note is that players must have cross-play enabled in order to ensure they match with a participating streamer during the Marvel Rivals event. In-game rewards will expire in 30 days, so be sure to check often. If the reward expires before you claim it, you will not be able to get the rewards anymore and must purchase the bundle instead.

For those unable to participate or who do not match with a Marvel Rivals streamer during the event, the bundle will still be available for purchase. The bundle should be permanently available in the in-game store and reportedly costs 2,800 Units. It contains the Invisible Woman – The Life Fantastic, Mister Fantastic – The Life Fantastic, MVP Animation, Nameplates (x2), Sprays (x2), and Emotes (x2).