
Will Venom Get a Spin-Off Game? Insomniac Games Responds

It sounds like a Venom game isn’t being ruled out after Spider-Man 2.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 may not be the last time we see Venom. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is one of the most anticipated games of the last half a decade and probably the entire console generation. Insomniac Games really won fans over with its first game and the Miles Morales spin-off, leading people to be really excited in the proper sequel. The first game teased the symbiote and possibly Venom would be in the sequel and it has all Spidey fans have been able to think about ever since. Now, the game is finally releasing worldwide across the next handful of hours and after seeing all the rave reviews, fans are already wondering what will come next.

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Some fans want to see Venom get his own game a la Miles Morales, especially since the only time we’ve ever really been able to play as him has been in Ultimate Spider-Man and ensemble games like the LEGO titles. He has never had his own fleshed out game which is a bit surprising given he now has his own movie series and is a popular character in standalone comics. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 senior narrative director Jon Paquette spoke to Insider during a recent interview and was asked about a possible Venom game. Paquette didn’t give a super straight answer, but it sounds like Insomniac Games isn’t ruling such a thing out if the demand is there.

“So, here’s what we’re doing. We’re focused on ‘Spider-Man 2,’ and what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna wait to see how the fans react,” he said. “We’re gonna listen to the fans and we’re gonna ask ourselves, ‘Okay, what do the fans really want?’ […] We’ll kind of talk about stuff after we’ve all had time to sleep and take vacations”

Of course, we have no idea if such a thing will come to fruition. It’s likely, with how big the first game was, the second one will inspire fans to demand a multitude of things, some being more reasonable than others. Either way, it sounds like more Spidey stuff will happen with Insomniac Games. What that will look like is totally up in the air right now and we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Suits

In addition to the signature black suit, there are over 65 suits in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and many of them have multiple variants. The long-requested suit from The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has finally made its appearance in the game and players will also be able to don the suit from the ending of Spider-Man: No Way Home in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Insomniac Games really didn’t cut any corners when it comes to suits this time around.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Trophies

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 also features a handful of trophies that you can be pretty easy to miss as well. If you’re in pursuit of the shiny platinum trophy, we have created some guides to help you with your journey. They’re all spoiler free and will help you find things like Aunt May’s grave site, a science trophy that belongs to Phin and Miles Morales, and even a baseball park for you to unlock a trophy that requires you to run all the bases.