Minecraft Creator Will Be Excluded From Anniversary Event Due to "Comments and Opinions"

Minecraft’s 10-year anniversary is coming up soon, but the creator of the game won’t be a part [...]

Minecraft's 10-year anniversary is coming up soon, but the creator of the game won't be a part of the official events planned for the game. Marcus "Notch" Persson is the game creator responsible for Minecraft, but Microsoft has said he won't be participating in the plans for the game's anniversary due to comments he's made in the past and some controversial opinions he's expressed previously.

Variety spoke with Microsoft to learn about their views on Persson's potential inclusion in the anniversary events. Persson sold Minecraft to Microsoft back in 2014 to the tune of $2.5 billion for the blocky building game, and according to Microsoft, some of the comments made by the game creator in the past don't line up with what Minecraft is all about.

"His comments and opinions do not reflect those of Microsoft or Mojang and are not representative of Minecraft," Microsoft told Variety.

Persson has found himself at the center of controversies regarding his comments in the past when he was accused of making transphobic statements among other tweets that elicited responses followers and those who disagreed with him. Another example of these controversies was when Persson tweeted towards the end of 2018 that "There clearly is an agenda against white men."

This is not the first time that Microsoft has elected to distance itself from Persson, though it's one of the more vocal and direct examples of the company doing so. Many Minecraft players noticed that, earlier this year, Minecraft itself appeared to have been updated to remove references to the game creator. The game would previously say "Made by Notch," in one of the game's many loading screen lines, though that reference appears to have been totally removed.

Microsoft did not specify in its statements which of Persson's comments and opinions it found to be objectionable in regards to Minecraft.


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