Minecraft Movie Release Date Announced

The Minecraft movie has a new release date. Minecraft is quite literally the biggest video game out there, as it is the best selling game of all-time ahead of Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto V. It's basically an empire at this point with numerous spin-offs that bring the franchise to new genres, but despite its massive, long-winded success, Hollywood has yet to get any kind of adaptation on to a screen. That's not to say there hasn't been an effort to do so, as Warner Bros. has been working on a Minecraft movie for about a decade now. However, it has been stuck in development hell with different writers and directors coming and going from the project.

Now, it looks like there's a real chance the Minecraft movie is actually close to a reality. Warner Brothers has announced that Minecraft will now release on April 4th, 2025 after having previously been removed from its release slate. Jason Momoa is also still attached to the film, but no other cast members have been confirmed for the film. Jason Hess, the director of Napoleon Dynamite and Nacho Libre, will helm the film for the studio. As of right now, we have no other plot details, but the film is expected to be a live action adaptation of the game. Hess has proven that he has a pretty distinct visual style with movies like Nacho Libre and he also has a great sense of humor, so it seems like we are in pretty safe hands.

With the film scheduled to come out exactly two years from now, it seems likely the film is probably ramping up production. Depending on how VFX-heavy the movie is, it seems likely that the movie will probably begin shooting by the end of this year or early next year. Either way, provided there are no major changes, we'll probably hear some casting announcements in the coming months for Minecraft.

What do you want to see from the Minecraft movie? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @Cade_Onder.