
‘Morrowind: Rebirth’ Mod Reveals Huge New Update

While Skyrim is an incredible gaming experience for RPG lovers, Morrowind will always have that […]

While Skyrim is an incredible gaming experience for RPG lovers, Morrowind will always have that number one spot in my heart. It’s because of that love that we’ve been tracking some of the best The Elder Scrolls mod projects out there and one of my personal favorites just released a huge end-of-the-year update.

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Morrowind: Rebirth is exactly as it sounds. A total overhaul mod that aims to completely change the way Morrowind functions to make it even more stunning, more beautiful, and an even better gaming experience for fans of the beloved Bethesda franchise.

Because this mod is so expansive, constant upkeep and fixes are needed. From weapons overhaul, to new additions all together, there is a lot in the latest update. You can check out the full patch notes here, with the important highlights below:

  • Bloodmoon creatures, bosses and spawns have now been brought in line with the rest of Morrowind Rebirth’s changes. Balance in Bloodmoon is notoriously bad, and this is the first iteration to fix it.
  • The two unique Centurion Spiders variations introduced in Rebirth have been separated into two unique ‘creatures’: the Centurion Miner and the Centurion Drone.
  • Any changes to Mournhold and Solstheim should now be gone. This should also fix all annoying doubling issues.
  • Sword of White Woe, Saint’s Black Sword and Saint’s Shield are no longer included in random loot tables.
  • Reverted Vampire Sun Damage back to vanilla values (from 10-10 points to 5-5 points per second).
  • Khajiits will now buy all sorts of illegal items including for example Sixth House items. \
  • The Black Pearl is now an amulet instead of an ingredient, and uses a new amulet model.
  • Ash Salts will no longer prevent you from bartering with various vendors.
  • Increased the amount of ingredients available at healers, priests and alchemists.
  • The entire population of Vvardenfell will no longer bother you about Solstheim.
  • Increased the chance of ingredients spawning in non-organic containers.
  • Generic Quarra, Berne and Aundae vampires are now a bit stronger.
  • Added descriptions to Call Wolf, Call Bear and Summon Bonewolf.
  • Re-enabled Absorb Health for spellmaking and enchanting.
  • Landscape fixes and improvements.


  • Added a new Daedric ruin located in the ‘mushroom forest’, south of Dagon Fel.
  • Added a river just north of Hla Oad, for a bit more landscape diversity.
  • Added 10 new ‘latest rumors’ based on content introduced in Rebirth.
  • Added 13 new collectable trading cards scattered around Vvardenfell.
  • Added a ton of new Sixth House related models to the gameworld.
  • Added Dwemer items and statics to Yagrum Bagarn’s hideout
  • Added a ton of clutter and architecture to Ald’Ruhn.
  • Added ashmires to various areas of Vvardenfell.
  • Added a small dock to Wolverine Hall.

Suran Commercial District Overhaul

  • A small overhaul of the commercial district of Suran focusing mainly on the temple, adding more clutter, walls and an additional building.

Odrosal Overhaul

  • A massive overhaul of the Dwemer ruin ‘Odrosal’. Getting Keening is now a worthy challenge.

Vemynal Overhaul

  • A small overhaul of the Dwemer ruin ‘Vemynal’. Getting Sunder is now a worthy challenge.

Hlaalu Guard Diversity

  • Hlaalu Guards are no longer clones and there are now a large variety of both female/male guards.

New Creature

  • Jotun Warrior (also note that the regular ‘Jotun’ has been changed to ‘Jotun Berserker’).
  • Ash Scrib

To learn even more about this incredible mod, check out the official Moddb page right here!