
Sindel Has Buns of Steel in Mortal Kombat 11

Today, NetherRealm Studios hosted a new Kombat Kast all about Sindel, Mortal Kombat 11’s upcoming […]

Today, NetherRealm Studios hosted a new Kombat Kast all about Sindel, Mortal Kombat 11’s upcoming DLC character PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch players will soon be able to get their hands on. And as you would expect, the combo queen looks pretty great in the latest installment of the long-running fighting game series. In fact, NetherRealm Studios has confirmed that Sindel has buns of steel in the fighting game. That’s right, not only is Sindel’s screaming and hair dangerous, but her butt is, which can crush your skull if you’re not careful.

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During the aforementioned Kombat Kast, NetherRealm Studios showed off the character in great detail via a huge slab of raw, new gameplay footage. During this, the developers playing the game showcased one of Sindel’s signature moves: using her bottom to smash in the skull of her opponent, in this case Nightwolf.

In addition to showcasing Sindel’s buns of steel, NetherRealm Studios showcased how she will be a good fit for combo players and how you’re going to want to keep a safe distance between yourself and her lethal hair.

And of course, the Chicago-based developers showed off Sindel’s iconic banshee scream, which isn’t just featured in her first fatality, but is a part of her moveset.

Of course, by and large it looks like Sindel plays like classic Sindel, but it’s interesting to see how NetherRealm Studios has modernized the character and made changes to her for Mortal Kombat 11.

Mortal Kombat 11 is available for PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, and Google Stadia. For more news, rumors, leaks, media, and information on the best-selling fighting game, be sure to peep all of our previous and extensive coverage of the title by clicking right here.