
‘Mortal Kombat Trilogy’ Being Rendered In HD By Fans and It Looks Nuts

We’ve seen a lot of talk lately about a potential new Mortal Kombat game being in the works, […]

We’ve seen a lot of talk lately about a potential new Mortal Kombat game being in the works, though nothing’s been confirmed yet. However, it seems some programmers are taking it upon themselves to try their hand at presenting something new on something familiar in the Kombat realm.

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Over at Resetera, a user by the name of Shao Kahn (what else, really?) has posted details on a fascinating project, in which a team seems to be rendering the original 90’s Mortal Kombat games in high-definition.

The user notes clearly that it’s a “work in progress,” but “I’m excited for this project as I stumbled upon it by sheer curiosity.” Here are the details that we know so far, straight from Shao Kahn:

“This fan project has been under development since 2011. It started as a MUGEN project and it may not be a MUGEN project soon. A pixel perfect arcade remake of the original MK Trilogy using new 3D models created from all the original Mortal Kombat games and from all the Behind The Scene clips. From the massive scale of the project, it seems that all elements including test your might, various stages, fatalities, animalities, and more are being recreated from the ground up following the original sources as closely as possible, and without being too gimmicky like some HD projects become.”

And for those going, “Well, it’s a fan project, WB Games is going to shut it down so hard,” hold on a second. Because apparently they’re an actual company, based on what a project lead said, and that it could very well be in partnership with the publisher.

When someone asked, “I know your are not releasing more images and info about the project here. And that you created a studio. Does this means you’re going to a legal path, meaning you cannot use Mortal Kombat name and content? So, you’re making another game based on MK and this project of an unofficial remake is dead?” The project lead simply replied, “I legally can’t comment on this until early 2019.”

So who knows? Perhaps the company is pitching the idea to NetherRealm, Ed Boon and company in an effort to release it alongside whatever the new Mortal Kombat project is. Or maybe it’s something else completely. Right now it’s too soon to tell, but here’s hoping that WB doesn’t shut it down before we see its true potential.

Based on these images (and the other media that can be found over at Resetera), this project looks to be shaping up quite nicely. And, honestly, even with its cheesy martial arts combat, Mortal Kombat would look absolutely killer in HD.

We’ll let you know what comes of it. The team just might be delivering an awesome one-two punch to whatever NetherRealm is working on next. Hopefully.

Thanks to Shao Kahn for the details. (Please be nice to us when you overtake the Earth.)