
NBA Live 20 Has Been Delayed

Electronic Arts hasn’t even announced NBA Llive 20 for PS4 and Xbox One yet, today, it delayed the […]

Electronic Arts hasn’t even announced NBA Llive 20 for PS4 and Xbox One yet, today, it delayed the game during an earnings call. That’s right, EA has delayed a game it hasn’t even announced. So, what does this mean? Well, it means the game will no longer be releasing in September, its usual release window. Rather, it will now hit in the last quarter of the year. When in the last quarter isn’t divulged. Now, I know what you’re thinking: why delay a game you haven’t announced or put a release date on yet? Well, mostly for investors who are expecting it to hit in its usual spot. Plus you want to keep them in the loop, as well as fans who have been worried that we may not get a new entry this year.

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For those that don’t know: the last quarter means the game will release sometime between October 1 and December 31. As for why the game is being delayed, EA didn’t divulge any specific reason during the investors call, but it did provide the following statement to Polygon:

“We’re planning a different approach to NBA Live this year, and will have more to share in the quarter ahead.”

So, if you were looking forward to NBA Live 20, you’re going to have to wait a bit longer than usual to get your hands on it. Meanwhile, below you can check out a snippet from our article about why we think EA should give up on NBA Live, and go back to old school gameplay.

“Let’s be honest, nothing is going to stop 2K Sports’ momentum when it comes to basketball. It’s just too good. Visual Concepts has the gameplay completely dialed in when it comes to nailing the sim style of play.

“So EA needs to stop trying to reinvent sims and work with arcade games instead. NBA Street was a staple in the developer’s line-up for many years, back when the EA Sports Big label meant something. And the publisher made the greatest decision in the world when it opted to bring back NBA Jam โ€“ not to mention the producer behind the series in the first place.”