Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal Is Imminent, Teases Insider

Nintendo's long-awaited reveal of Switch 2 could happen in early 2024.

The reveal of Nintendo's next console, which is widely believed to be an upgraded model of the Nintendo Switch, could be unveiled in the very near future. Throughout the entirety of 2023, fans have continued to wonder and ask when Nintendo will reveal its next console. Currently, Nintendo itself hasn't even confirmed that it's working on a successor to the Switch, although many happenings behind the scenes have suggested that new hardware is definitely coming. Now, with 2023 winding down, a new rumor has suggested that the Nintendo Switch 2 could be shown off very early next year. 

According to a recent blog by Zippo, who is a Nintendo insider that has had accurate info in the past, the Nintendo Switch 2 is set to be shown off to the public for the first time "within the next two months." If true, this means that the Switch 2 would be revealed no later than the early part of February 2024. As for the form in which this reveal would take place, further details were not shared. With the previous Switch model, though, Nintendo announced the platform with an initial trailer showing what the console was capable of while also divulging its release window. As such, the same sort of announcement could happen once again with Switch 2. 

Even though this rumor could be valid, it's important to take what has been outlined with a major grain of salt for the time being. In all likelihood, Nintendo's plans with its next console might not even be nailed down internally just yet, which means that this reveal window could easily shift. Essentially, until Nintendo itself says that it's ready to talk about its successor to the Switch, don't get too excited about what the rumor mill is churning out or else you may find yourself disappointed. 

Are you excited to see what Nintendo is cooking up with the Switch 2? And when do you believe that this evolution of the Nintendo Switch will finally release? Let me know for yourself either down in the comments section or reach out to me on social media at @MooreMan12