Nintendo Reveals Release Dates for Two Upcoming Mario Games

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door and Luigi's Mansion 2 HD are coming soon.

In celebration of Mario Day, release dates for a pair of upcoming Nintendo Switch games were announced this morning. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is actually coming very soon, and will be available on May 23rd. Luigi's Mansion 2 HD won't be far behind, releasing on June 27th. No further details have been revealed about these two games, but with releases just around the corner, it's a safe bet that we'll know a lot more in the coming weeks. Digital pre-orders for the two games are now live on the eShop, and both will retail for $59.99. 

The announcement for Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door can be found in the Tweet embedded below. Readers interested in pre-ordering Paper Mario from the eShop can do so right here, while Luigi's Mansion 2 can be pre-ordered right here

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

For those unfamiliar with the game, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door first released on Nintendo GameCube back in 2004. Developed by Intelligent Systems, The Thousand-Year Door is widely considered the best game in the Paper Mario series, as well as one of the best RPGs to release on the system. Despite the game's massive popularity, the Nintendo Switch version marks the first time it has been made available on another platform, making its release on Switch a very big deal! 

Not every single Mario game is playable on Switch, but many of the character's best games have been brought over in some form, including favorites like Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Worldand Super Mario RPG. For those that never got a chance to experience what The Thousand-Year Door has to offer, the game's return is bound to be exciting. GameCube was one of Nintendo's worst selling video game systems, so this remaster should give a much bigger audience a chance to experience it. 

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon was released on Nintendo 3DS in 2013. Developed by Next Level Games, the sequel brought back the series and resulted in a third game being released on Nintendo Switch. Now the second game in the series is getting an HD remaster, alongside some improvements over the original version. 

The work of Next Level Games on Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon and Luigi's Mansion 3 resulted in the studio being purchased by Nintendo in 2021. Given how much success the series has seen over the last few years, it seems like a safe bet that a fourth game could be released on the next console from Nintendo, tentatively known as "Nintendo Switch 2." If that does end up being the case, Luigi's Mansion 2 HD should be the perfect thing to tide fans over in the meantime! 

Are you excited for these two Mario games to release? Which one are you most looking forward to? Share your thoughts with me directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp or on Instagram at @Dachampgaming!