OnRush Videos Take a Closer Look At Multiplayer, Behind-the-Scenes

We’re just a few days away from hitting the road with Codemasters’ OnRush, the latest game [...]


We're just a few days away from hitting the road with Codemasters' OnRush, the latest game from the team behind the insanely good Motorstorm racing games. If you played in the previous open beta, then you know just how wild and crazy this game gets.

But if you still need a good idea, the publisher has published a trio of new videos that give you a closer look in terms of what to expect.

First up is one that focuses on the new multiplayer modes that will be included in the game. They are as follows:

  • Countdown – Countdown is a race through the gates against an ever-ticking clock. Hitting the gates will add precious seconds to your team's time, keeping you in the game.
  • Lockdown – Lockdown is a race to fight for control of a moving zone in a 100mph King of the Hill free for all. Get in the zone and fight for survival.
  • Switch – Survive as long as you can hunting down your opponents. You'll get increasingly stronger vehicles each time you're knocked out, but so will they. Be strategic and work with your team to win.
  • Overdrive – Overdrive mode is a pure 'boost to win' onslaught until the very end. Get boost any way you can as quickly as possible and burn it up even quicker.

You can see these in action in the video below.

If that's not enough, the publisher has also provided a more in-depth look at the game's development, showing how all this destruction and chaos came together.

First up is the debut episode, which can be seen below. In it, the team discusses how the idea of OnRush came together, along with The Stampede System and using boost to score a victory.

In episode two, which is attached below, which breaks down game modes, environments and how the game's multi-tiered track design came together.

All of this is coming together into one wild off-road racing experience. The features list is below:

  • TAKEDOWNS - Takedowns are core to Onrush. Risk equals Reward so take on the track and seek out the multitude of perilous but exciting routes through each track. Speed off cliff edges and traverse huge ramps flying hundreds of feet through the bold, bright sky. Land with immense force crushing any opposing team's vehicles unfortunate enough to be below.
  • VERTICALITY - There's no holding back as you attempt to take on more & more treacherous routes to find the perfect vantage point. Explore and use the environments to barrel roll hundreds of feet through the air, vault off cliff edges, boost off ramps and even dive round the side of a 400ft Dam.
  • RUSH - Racing at breakneck speed only gets you so far. To really gain an unworldly edge, build your bar and unleash the invulnerable, euphoric blast of speed and power RUSH!! Completely unique to each vehicle in both look and ability, this is like nothing seen in any racing game before.
  • TEAM PLAY - Be part of the team and attack as a pack working together to earn Points, XP, Medals, Boost and ultimately RUSH' to obliterate the opposing team.
  • ALWAYS IN THE ACTION - With no start or finish line Onrush is a constant exhilarating stampede of action. Been wrecked? Then hold your breath! as you respawn instantly back in the action and ready for revenge.
  • ADAPTIVE SOUNDTRACK - The soundtrack to Onrush as alive as the game itself. The game pulls songs from a huge library of explosive edge of your seat tunes that mix and adapt as you drive. The type, speed and volume of the tracks all change in real-time reflecting the action in the game.

OnRush releases on June 5 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.