
Overwatch 2 Players Still Struggling With Servers and Lengthy Queue Times


Overwatch 2 has nearly been live for a full day, but the game’s servers are still struggling mightily. Not long after the servers for Overwatch 2 went up, players immediately began reporting lengthy queue times that were preventing them from being unable to get past the main menu. And while this error was largely due to the fact that Overwatch 2 was suffering from a DDoS attack, Blizzard still hasn’t been able to fully fix these problems just yet. 

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At this point in time, numerous Overwatch 2 fans are still making it known that they can’t get into the game. On social media, some users have gone so far to refer to Overwatch 2 as a “loading simulator” while others have complained about how the game’s queue continues to fluctuate wildly. And while these errors have been somewhat forgivable due to the aforementioned DDoS attack, it still hasn’t prevented fans from being frustrated with the game’s current state. 

The only good thing with this entire situation is that Overwatch 2 does seem to be getting better with each passing hour. Although some players are still finding themselves stuck in infinite queues, more are reporting that they’re able to now get in the game and actually play. Still, Overwatch 2 does seem to be having other difficulties once players get past the loading queue as skins and other items from the previous Overwatch still haven’t converted to the sequel for certain players. Blizzard will likely find a solution to these troubles in the future, though, so it’s important not to fret too much just yet. 

What has been your own personal experience with Overwatch 2 so far? Have you been able to play the game for yourself, or are you still stuck waiting in a queue? Be sure to let me know either down in the comments or reach out to me on social media at @MooreMan12.

Additionally, keep reading on down below if you’re looking to see more of what some Overwatch 2 fans are saying about their time with the game. 

Loading: The Game

Waiting For the Fixes

Overwatch 2 Is Sadly Par For the Course

The Heart Wants What it Can’t Have

Still Left Waiting

Patience Is a Virtue!

The Problems Are Just Continuing

Xbox Players Are Especially Struggling

These Queues…
