'Overwatch' Has a Game-Ending Exploit on the Numbani Map

An exploit has been discovered on one of Overwatch's maps that's causing games to apparently be [...]

Overwatch Numbani

An exploit has been discovered on one of Overwatch's maps that's causing games to apparently be instantly ended.

The problem in question was recently reported once again by a member of the Overwatch community on Reddit, a glitch that's now been reported and seen enough by other players to have plenty thinking that it's a problem that's definitely reproducable. It appears that the bug only seems to occur on Numbani, but when it does, it causes a game to end without warning, even forcing players to restart their entire client in order to get back in.

From the way the bug has been confirmed by other players as well as the circumstances that seem to surround the problem, it certainly seems like more of an intentional exploit issue than a simple bug. The most recent user who voiced evidence of the exploit said that another player on the opposing team asked everyone in all chat if leaving a game before it officially began would result in a loss of Skill Rating, the point system used to climb the competitive ladder. When players responded that it would, the same player who initially asked the question simply stated "Sorry," and the game then ended right away.

After the game forced the poster out and resulted in a full Overwatch restart, they found that they'd been penalized with a loss of SR as well as the temporary ban that's associated with leaving matchmade games early. The option to reconnect to a quit game that's usually presented also wasn't there, so it was almost as if the game itself never even happened at all.

The poster added tons of additional links to their initial thread that hightlighted numerous other times where other players said they'd experienced very similar circumstances that resulted in games being ended quickly supposedly by other players. Some on the comments said that they'd seen it occur rarely in other maps as well, and one even confirmed that it could occur on consoles as well as on PC.

There was no response in the thread from Blizzard about the exploit, but the poster warns players about playing competitive on Numbani for the time being.

[via Reddit]