The Overwatch Nendoroid line continues to grow and the folks over at Good Smile Company just revealed probably the cutest of them all: Lucio. I’m not just saying that as a Lucio main either, he really is super adorable in his new chibi-fied form!
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According to the collectibles company, “From the globally popular multiplayer team-based shooter Overwatch comes the twelfth Nendoroid figure from the series – Lรบcio! This Nendoroid figure features several points of articulation, including his hair, allowing you to display him in all kinds of acrobatic poses. He comes with a standard smiling expression and a more playful grinning expression!
“Lรบcio comes equipped with his Sonic Amplifier, along with translucent effect parts that allow you to recreate his iconic in-game abilities. Pose him firing his Soundwave, or display him performing his Sound Barrier ultimate ability with the included clear effect sheet.”

The inter-changeable cutie even comes equipped with his Ultimate, which can be seen above! The team added, “Nendoroid Lรบcio also comes with both yellow and green skate blade parts as well as wall-riding effect parts, allowing you to display him speeding around amplifying his team’s movement speed or regenerating their health! Be sure to add him to your collection and display him along with the other heroes in the Overwatch Nendoroid series!”
Looking for even more adorable Overwatch goodness? The team also has the below heroes available in this much smaller form, as well as their incredible Figman line as well:
- Tracer
- Mei
- Mercy
- Genji
- Hanzo
- D.Va
- Sombra
- Junkrat
- Soldier 76
- Torbjorn
- McCree
- Lucio
- Tracer
- Genji
- Widowmaker
- Reaper
- D.Va
- Zenyatta
- Pharah
Interested in scooping up this “let’s break it down” healer? You can pre-order it right here! As far as when this little cutie ships, Lucio won’t be releasing until August of 2019, though an exact release date hasn’t been set at this time.
Thoughts on the latest Overwatch hero to get the chibi treatment? Sound off with your thoughts in the comment section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy!