
New PlayStation Plus Update Is Concerning for PS5 Owners


A recent update that Sony has revealed in regard to PlayStation Plus could be a cause for concern with PlayStation 5 owners. Since the launch of the PS5 back in 2020, Sony made a new tier of PS Plus available that it called the PlayStation Plus Collection. This library of 20 games from the PlayStation 4 was made available to those subscribed to PS Plus who owned a PS5. And while this library of 20 titles hasn’t changed since the PlayStation Plus Collection first started, this now no longer will be the case.ย 

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Sony revealed recently that next month on May 11th, Persona 5 will be leaving the PlayStation Plus Collection. Not many details were provided about why Sony will be dropping this game from PS Plus, but this marks the first time that PS5 owners will be losing access to a game that is part of the Collection. Obviously, subscribers still have time from now until next month to permanently add the game to their own library, but it is a bit of an odd move.ย 

The reason that this situation could be concerning for PlayStation 5 owners in the future is that it might indicate that Sony is planning to slowly slim down the PlayStation Plus Collection over time. Although no such plans to remove additional games outside of Persona 5 have been unveiled by Sony just yet, this move definitely sets a precedent that more titles could vanish in due time. Previously, most PlayStation Plus subscribers assumed that the PS Plus Collection was a static lineup of games that wouldn’t ever change. But clearly, that is no longer going to be the case.ย 

Even though this decision could be a bit worrisome at first, there’s always the chance that Sony could also add more games to the PlayStation Plus Collection at any point in time. As such, maybe we’re just due for a refresh of the PS4 games that are featured in the PS Plus Collection over the course of 2022.ย 

Do you think that we could end up seeing more games like Persona 5 disappear from the PS Plus Collection in the coming months? Or are you instead expecting more titles to be added to the service over time? Let me know either down in the comments or you can reach out on Twitter at @MooreMan12.