Pokemon Go has teamed up with the North Face and Gucci brands to release a set of free avatar items. A new cross-promotion between Pokemon Go and Gucci went live on Tuesday, when Pokemon Go launched a series of North Face x Gucci avatar items, based on a new collaboration between the two popular clothing brands. Unlike other limited time avatar items, the North Face x Gucci avatar items can only be collected from 100 Poke Stops scattered around the world, many of which are located at Gucci Pin pop-up stores where fans can buy the real world items. These items will only be available for a limited time.
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The avatar items are available at the following cities:
Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
- Milan
- Florence
- Rome
- Paris
- Cannes
- Madrid
- London
- Moscow
- Vienna
- Brussels
- Berlin
- Frankfurt
- Munich
- Kuwait City
- Monaco
- Amsterdam
- Doha
- Cape Town
- Johannesburg
- Barcelona
- Geneva
- Istanbul
- Dubai
- Abu Dhabi
North America
- Toronto
- Vancouver
- New York City
- Los Angeles
- Chicago
- San Francisco
- Atlanta
- King of Prussia
- Palm Desert
- Scottsdale
- Houston
- Honolulu
- Orlando
- Paramus
- Manhasset
- Las Vegas
- Beverly Hills
- Miami
- Tysons
- Boston
- Troy
- Costa Mesa
- San Diego
- Seattle
- Dallas
- Washington DC
- Nashville
Latin America
- Sao Paulo
- Santiago
- Monterrey
- Mexico City
- Bangkok
- Hong Kong
- Singapore
- Osaka
- Tokyo
- Macau
- Kanazawa
- Nagoya
- Fukuoka
- Sendai
- Yokohama
- Kobe
- Sapporo
- Hiroshima
- Kyoto
- Taipei
- Taichung
- Sydney
- Melbourne
In addition to the collaboration with Gucci and North Face, Pokemon Go is also in the middle of a busy month filled with new events and new features. The game’s Unova Celebration event is underway now, which features a brand new Collection Challenge, as well as chances to catch Pokemon first seen in the Unova region. Other events are also planned for throughout the month of January, and Pokemon Go is also planning to debut the Pokemon Frillish as a reward for a high rank in its competitive Go Battle League. A major ticketed event, Pokemon Go Tour: Kanto, is also planned for February, which will feature chances to capture Shiny versions of the original 150 Pokemon, plus a Special Research quest that ends with an encounter with Shiny Mew. This will mark the first time Shiny Mew is available outside of Japan.