Pokemon Go has a new mini-event running this weekend, which can net players a new Shiny Pokemon.
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The popular mobile game will host its first ever “Limited Research” event, a new mini-event in which players can collect Field Research tasks for a chance at encountering the Water-type Pokemon Feebas. For three hours, every Poke Stop will have special Field Research quests that, if completed, will earn players an automatic encounter with Feebas.
The Field Research event runs differently than a Community Day event in a few ways. For instance, players can only get one Field Research task per Poke Stop, and the limit doesn’t “reset” when the event stops. So, you won’t be able to collect a Limited Research task from a Poke Stop if you had collected a normal Field Research quest from it this morning.
The main draw of the event is the chance to capture a Shiny version of Feebas. Shiny Pokemon are alternate-colored versions of Pokemon that are usually quite rare. It’s unclear if the Shiny rate has increased during the event, but players will at least have a chance of encountering the purple version of Feebas if they complete a Limited Research task. Shiny Feebas can also now be encountered during the wild.
One interesting note is that the Limited Research tasks aren’t easy. Players will be called on to make 15 “Nice Throws” or 10 “Great Throws,” something that will take a lot of time and Poke Balls to complete. Even dedicated players are saying that they could only complete a handful of tasks during the three hour window. On the plus side, players can still complete the tasks after the Limited Research event is over, so the key is to pick up a few extra Research tasks right before the event ends.
The event will run during your region’s normal Community Day hours – so players in North and South America will need to be out at the field at 2 PM ET if they want to maximize their time.