
Pokemon Presents Announced for Pokemon Day

A Pokemon Presents will reveal the future of the Pokemon franchise on February 27th.

The Pokemon Company has some announcements to make on Pokemon Day. After weeks of speculation, The Pokemon Company confirmed that they will host a Pokemon Presents on February 27th, at 6 AM PT/9 AM ET. No details were announced about what the Pokemon Presents will include, but The Pokemon Company has traditionally announced new Pokemon games during these presentations. You can check out the full announcement down below. 

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Since the conclusion of new content releases for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet last month, Pokemon fans have quickly turned past the third-bestselling games in Pokemon history to speculate what’s next for the Pokemon franchise. While The Pokemon Company’s executives said they took complaints about Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s technical performance seriously, many fans are speculating another new game to be released this year. There are two popular theories as to what will be the next Pokemon games released – a game focused in the Johto region and a game focused on the Unova region. 

A return to the Unova region (first seen in Pokemon Black and White) seems to be the most likely theory. Last year’s The Teal Mask DLC for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet was not only mainly set in the Unova region, it also featured several ties to the Pokemon Black and White games. Pokemon Legends: Arceus also had a major Pokemon Black and White reference, with a character from those games winding up back in time alongside the player character. 

It’s also likely we’ll get several announcements about other Pokemon spin-off games, such as Pokemon Sleep and Pokemon Go. We may also get a surprise announcement or two, such as an announcement related to the just-announced Pokemon theme park set to open in Japan. 

The Pokemon Presents will air on February 27th at 9 AM ET. Be sure to watch a special episode of the official Pokemon podcast of ComicBook, A Wild Podcast Has Appeared, for live reactions and a breakdown of everything that was announced.