
New Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Mystery Gift Code Awards Two Items


A new Mystery Gift code has been revealed for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet on Nintendo Switch. Using the code PLAYD0UBLE (note the zero) will get players two TMs. TM028 teaches a Pokemon the Ground-type move Bulldoze, while TM086 teaches them the Rock-type attack Rockslide. The distribution will last through June 30th, so players have a few weeks to redeem it before it expires. These TMs can be found regularly in the game, but for those that haven’t located them yet, the code is an easy way to snag both without having to hunt them down.

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For players new to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, or just those that have never redeemed a Mystery Gift, the process is incredibly simple. In the main menu on either game version, players will find the “Mystery Gift”optionfrom “PokePortal,” which is the lastoption that appears onthescreen. After that, players willable toenter the MysteryGift code in the section marked “get with code/password,” as well as any other codes that have yet to expire. Each code can only be used once, and if the playerhasn’t already redeemed the code, the Mystery Gift will appear. It’s that easy!

In terms of usefulness, these are both pretty solid moves to teach a Pokemon. Bulldoze has a power of 60 and 100% accuracy, while Rock Slide has a power of 75 and 90% accuracy. Rockslide can be particularly useful in Double Battles, where the attack hits both opponents. Bulldoze also hits both opponents in a Double Battle, but it will hurt your partner as well. Since Bulldoze is a Ground-type move, using it while your partner is using a Flying-type is a good way to avoid just that! When it comes to using Pokemon moves, there’s always a lot of guesswork involved with coming up with a good strategy, and sometimes it takes making a few mistakes before figuring out the best plan. Hopefully these two TMs will help players on their journey through Paldea!

Do you plan on using this new Mystery Gift code? Are you a fan of these moves?Letusknowinthecomments orshareyourthoughts directlyonTwitter andonHiveatย @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!

[H/T: Serebii]