
New Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Trailer’s Big Winner Is Lechonk


There’s a new fan-favorite Pokemon in town after the latest Pokemon Scarlet and Violet trailer dropped, and its name is Lechonk. This “Hog Pokemon” as it’s categorized by The Pokemon Company showed up only briefly in the new trailer, but its presence was more than enough to send the Pokemon fandom into a frenzy as they wait for their chance to have a Lechonk on their team. That’ll happen come November when the games release, but until then, we’ll have to make do on the fervent reactions to Lechonk and the little information we know about it now.

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Thankfully, Nintendo and The Pokemon Company didn’t just leave us with the brief images of Lechonk battling in the trailer, though judging from the reactions online, that would’ve been plenty anyway. A press release accompanying this new trailer gave us some more shots of the proud pig as well as an entry to offer more info. The companies made it clear that Lechonk is not fat โ€“ it is simply a chonky, muscley companion.

“Lechonk uses its sense of smell to find and eat only the most fragrant wild grasses and the richest Berries,” the press release said. “As a result of its dining habits, it has come to radiate an aroma resembling herbs that Bug-type Pokemon dislike. If attacked by an opponent and startled, it will charge forward in a panic. It may appear fat at first glance, but in reality, the Pokemon’s body is mostly muscle built by constantly walking around in search of food.”

For those enamored by Lechonk but still wondering how it’ll fit into a team, The Pokemon Company confirmed that this Pokemon is of the Normal Type and has access to the Aroma Veil and Gluttony abilities. It’s indeed on the heavier side at 22.5lbs but is naturally a squat Pokemon coming in at just 1’8″. It’s likely it’ll have some sorts of evolution(s) to work towards, but all we’ve seen for now is Lechonk.

But Lechonk is plenty, according to Pokemon fans. Several new Pokemon were revealed in the trailer, but Lechonk was the clear winner. You can see some of the initial reactions to the new monster below while we wait to learn more about the everything that’ll exist around the star of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Lechonk Fans, Assemble

We All Do

They Actually Did It

Aren’t We All?

Lechonk Gang Arise

Everyone Gets Lechonked Today

Our Baby Lechonk

We’ve Been Staring for Hours

Lechonk Turns the Tables

Perfect Name