
Pokemon Sword and Shield Adds a Very Strange New Bug Pokemon

There’s a new regional bug Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield and it’s a bit bizarre. Each […]

There’s a new regional bug Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield and it’s a bit bizarre. Each generation of Pokemon games have introduced its own “regional bug,” a Bug-type Pokemon that players can obtain relatively early in that respective game. Pokemon Red and Blue had Caterpie and Weedle, and later games added Ledyba, Spinarak, Wurmple, Kricketot, Sewaddle, Scatterbug, and Grubbin. Pokemon Sword and Shield continues this tradition by adding Blipbug, a Bug-type Pokemon that players can catch on Route 1, the first area where wild Pokemon appear.

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Like most other “regional bug” Pokemon, Blipbug isn’t very strong. However, it’s large eyes (which continuously collect information) tease its eventual, much more powerful evolutions Dottler and Orbeetle. Both Dottler and Orbeetle are Bug/Psychic-type Pokemon, making them the first Pokemon with this unique typing. Dottler resembles a radome (the dodecahedrone-like structure that protects a radar) with legs, while Orbeetle resembles a seven-spotted ladybug, albeit one that hovers using its immense psychic powers. Orbeetle is particularly strange in that its large shell is actually part of its head. What at first glance appears to be its body is actually its massive skull, which holds its brain.

Unfortunately, Dottler and Orbeetle’s unique typing doesn’t do it any favors. The Pokemon is naturally weak against Fire, Flying, Rock, Bug, Ghost, and Dark-type attacks. On the plus side, Dottler and Orbeetle do come in handy against Fighting-type Pokemon, as all Fighting-type attacks do only 1/4th damage, so you may want to invest some time in powering Dottler or Orbeetle up before facing Bea if you’re playing Pokemon Sword and Shield.

Blipbug evolves into Dottler at Level 10, and then Orbeetle at Level 30. Blipbug can be found in the wild in Routes 1 and 2, while Dottler can be found in Route 5 or in the Wild Area. Orbeetle can also be found in the Wild Area and in the stronger parts of the Slumbering Weald.

Let us know what you think about this new Pokemon in the comment section or find me on Twitter at @CHofferCBus to chat about all things Pokemon!