Quantum Error was one of the first exclusives announced for PS5. However, it may not stay a PS5 exclusive forever. Speaking during a new interview, developer Team Kill Media noted that the game could come to Xbox Series X. However, for now, the team is focused on delivering the game on PS5. In other words, Team Kill Media has no Xbox Series X port to announce at the moment, and this may never change, but the developer isn’t ready to completely close this door.
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“We won’t say never,” said the developer while speaking with Gaming Bolt. “However, at this time our focus is with PlayStation.” Meanwhile, while Team Kill Media is playing a bit coy about an Xbox Series X port, it did seemingly shoot down a Nintendo Switch port, noting it doesn’t think the console could handle the graphical fidelity of the game.
In the same interview, the developer revealed why the game is exclusive to PlayStation platforms, noting it’s most comfortable developing for PlayStation systems. Further, it has a great relationship with Sony.
“There are many reasons. The simplest being we are comfortable with the PlayStation system, our relationship with Sony has been amazing and feel that our game will run its very best on the PlayStation platform,” said the developer.
In addition to the the PS5, the game is also in development for PS4, however, according to Team Kill media, the primary focus of development right now is calibrating the game for the former.
“At the moment our focus is primarily on the PS5, so at first everything is going to be calibrated for that platform and we won’t do most of the optimizing for the PS4 until we are close to being finished,” said the developer.
Quantum Error will be available for PS4 and PS5 when it launches sometime later this year. For more coverage on all things PS5 — including recent news, rumors, and leaks — be sure to take a moment and check out all of our past and all of our most recent articles pertaining to the console by clicking right here. Meanwhile, as always don’t forget to leave your thoughts and hot takes in the comment section or, alternatively, in my Twitter notifications @Tyler_Fischer_.